publication venue for
- Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Randomized Low-Rank Approximation.. 33:2835-2850. 2024
- Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications in Visual Data.. 31:2433-2448. 2022
- Effective Super-Resolution Methods for Paired Electron Microscopic Images. 29:7317-7330. 2020
- Image Co-Saliency Detection and Co-Segmentation via Progressive Joint Optimization.. 28:56-71. 2019
- Robust Nanoparticles Detection From Noisy Background by Fusing Complementary Image Information.. 25:5713-5726. 2016
- A low false negative filter for detecting rare bird species from short video segments using a probable observation data set-based EKF method.. 19:2321-2331. 2010
- A logarithmic quantization index modulation for perceptually better data hiding.. 19:1504-1517. 2010
- Multiple description coding with prediction compensation.. 18:1037-1047. 2009
- Two-terminal video coding.. 18:534-551. 2009
- Fast algorithm for distortion-based error protection of embedded image codes.. 14:1417-1421. 2005
- Subspace-based prototyping and classification of chromosome images.. 14:1277-1287. 2005
- Grayscale level connectivity: theory and applications.. 13:1567-1580. 2004
- A Bayesian transformation model for wavelet shrinkage.. 12:1512-1521. 2003
- Selective removal of impulse noise based on homogeneity level information.. 12:85-92. 2003
- A wavelet-frame based image force model for active contouring algorithms.. 9:1983-1988. 2000
- Inverse halftoning using wavelets.. 8:1479-1483. 1999
- Wavelet packet image coding using space-frequency quantization.. 7:892-898. 1998
- Nonlinear wavelet image processing: variational problems, compression, and noise removal through wavelet shrinkage.. 7:319-335. 1998
- Joint space-frequency segmentation using balanced wavelet packet trees for least-cost image representation.. 6:1213-1230. 1997
- Space-frequency quantization for wavelet image coding.. 6:677-693. 1997
- Adaptive transforms for image coding using spatially varying wavelet packets.. 5:1197-1204. 1996
- DPCM picture transmission over noisy channels with the aid of a Markov model.. 4:1473-1481. 1995
- A Detector-Oblivious Multi-Arm Network for Keypoint Matching.. 32:2776-2785.
- JigsawNet: Shredded Image Reassembly Using Convolutional Neural Network and Loop-Based Composition.. 28:4000-4015.
- KT-GAN: Knowledge-Transfer Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis.. 30:1275-1290.
- Source-optimized irregular repeat accumulate codes with inherent unequal error protection capabilities and their application to scalable image transmission. 2006