publication venue for
- Accelerating Optimal Experimental Design for Robust Synchronization of Uncertain Kuramoto Oscillator Model Using Machine Learning. 69:6473-6487. 2021
- Change Detection in Complex Dynamical Systems Using Intrinsic Phase and Amplitude Synchronization. 68:4743-4756. 2020
- Optimal Bayesian Classification With Vector Autoregressive Data Dependency. 67:3073-3086. 2019
- Optimal Bayesian Classification With Missing Values. 66:4182-4192. 2018
- Optimal Bayesian Transfer Learning. 66:3724-3739. 2018
- Optimal Bayesian Kalman Filtering With Prior Update. 66:1982-1996. 2018
- Detection of Cooperative Interactions in Logistic Regression Models. 65:1765-1780. 2017
- Maximum-Likelihood Adaptive Filter for Partially Observed Boolean Dynamical Systems. 65:359-371. 2017
- On Maximum Linearly Achievable Degrees of Freedom Region of 2 x 2 x 2 Interference Network With Arbitrary Antenna Configurations. 63:3770-3782. 2015
- Generalized Consistent Error Estimator of Linear Discriminant Analysis. 63:2804-2814. 2015
- Analytic Representation of Bayes Labeling and Bayes Clustering Operators for Random Labeled Point Processes. 63:1605-1620. 2015
- Bayesian Quadratic Network Game Filters. 62:2250-2264. 2014
- Feasibility Conditions for Interference Neutralization in Relay-Aided Interference Channel. 62:1408-1423. 2014
- Performance Analysis of a Power Limited Spectrum Sharing System With TAS/MRC. 62:954-967. 2014
- Intrinsically Optimal Bayesian Robust Filtering. 62:657-670. 2014
- Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of the Discrete Coefficient of Determination in Stochastic Boolean Systems. 61:3880-3894. 2013
- Joint Access Point Selection and Power Allocation for Uplink Wireless Networks. 61:3334-3347. 2013
- Distributed Network Optimization With Heuristic Rational Agents. 60:5396-5411. 2012
- Optimal Intervention Strategies for Therapeutic Methods With Fixed-Length Duration of Drug Effectiveness. 60:4930-4944. 2012
- Exact Sample Conditioned MSE Performance of the Bayesian MMSE Estimator for Classification Error-Part II: Consistency and Performance Analysis. 60:2588-2603. 2012
- Equilibrium Pricing of Interference in Cognitive Radio Networks. 59:6058-6072. 2011
- Analytic Study of Performance of Error Estimators for Linear Discriminant Analysis. 59:4238-4255. 2011
- Jointly Optimal Source Power Control and Relay Matrix Design in Multipoint-to-Multipoint Cooperative Communication Networks. 59:4313-4330. 2011
- A Distributed Amplify-and-Forward Beamforming Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks. 59:3657-3674. 2011
- Robust Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Noise Density Estimation. 59:3035-3047. 2011
- Averaged Iterative Water-Filling Algorithm: Robustness and Convergence. 59:2448-2454. 2011
- A Rateless Coded Protocol for Half-Duplex Wireless Relay Channels. 59:209-222. 2011
- Cooperation in the Low Power Regime for the MAC Using Multiplexed Rateless Codes. 58:4720-4734. 2010
- Selection Policy-Induced Reduction Mappings for Boolean Networks. 58:4871-4882. 2010
- Collaborative Null-Steering Beamforming for Uniformly Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks. 58:1889-1903. 2010
- Distributed Beamforming for Wireless Sensor Networks with Improved Graph Connectivity and Energy Efficiency. 58:1904-1921. 2010
- Nonparametric Cepstrum Estimation via Optimal Risk Smoothing. 58:1507-1514. 2010
- Compress-Forward Coding with BPSK Modulation for the Half-Duplex Gaussian Relay Channel. 57:4467-4481. 2009
- Large-System-Based Performance Analysis and Design of Multiuser Cooperative Networks. 57:1511-1525. 2009
- Timing Synchronization in Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Communication Systems. 57:1444-1455. 2009
- Inference of noisy nonlinear differential equation models for gene regulatory networks using genetic programming and Kalman filtering. 56:3327-3339. 2008
- On maximum likelihood estimation of clock offset and skew in networks with exponential delays. 56:1685-1697. 2008
- Robust intervention in probabilistic Boolean networks. 56:1280-1294. 2008
- Impacts of narrowband interference on OFDM-UWB receivers: Analysis and mitigation. 55:1118-1128. 2007
- Sensitivity of multiband ZP-OFDM ultra-wide-band and receivers to synchronization errors. 55:729-734. 2007
- Context-Sensitive Hidden Markov Models for Modeling Long-Range Dependencies in Symbol Sequences. 54:4169-4184. 2006
- Design of probabilistic Boolean networks under the requirement of contextual data consistency. 54:3603-3613. 2006
- Guest editorial - Genomic signal processing. 54:2373-2374. 2006
- Optimal infinite-horizon control for probabilistic Boolean networks. 54:2375-2387. 2006
- Efficient Rate Allocation for Progressive Image Transmission via Unequal Error Protection Over Finite-State Markov Channels. 53:4330-4338. 2005
- Successive Refinement for the WynerZiv Problem and Layered Code Design. 53:3269-3281. 2005
- Design and analysis of feedforward symbol timing estimators based on the conditional maximum likelihood principle. 53:1908-1918. 2005
- Optimization of LDPC-coded turbo CDMA systems. 53:1500-1510. 2005
- A Multirate DSP Model for Estimation of Discrete Probability Density Functions. 53:252-264. 2005
- Spectral Design of Weighted Median Filters: A General Iterative Approach. 53:1045-1056. 2005
- Weighted Median Filters Admitting Complex-Valued Weights and Their Optimization. 52:2776-2787. 2004
- A fine blind frequency offset estimator for OFDM/OQAM systems. 52:291-296. 2004
- Performance analysis of a class of nondata-aided frequency offset and symbol timing estimators for flat-fading channels. 50:2295-2305. 2002
- Performance analysis of blind carrier frequency offset estimators for noncircular transmissions through frequency-selective channels. 50:130-140. 2002
- Performance analysis of blind carrier phase estimators for general QAM constellations. 49:1816-1823. 2001
- Optimization of linear filters under power-spectral-density stabilization. 49:2292-2300. 2001
- Blind channel and carrier frequency offset estimation using periodic modulation precoders. 48:2389-2405. 2000
- Blind channel identification and equalization using periodic modulation precoders: Performance analysis. 48:1570-1586. 2000
- Subsequence based recovery of missing samples in oversampled bandlimited signals. 48:580-583. 2000
- A new tensor product formulation for Toom's convolution algorithm. 47:1202-1204. 1999
- A simple proof of a known blind channel identifiability result. 47:591-593. 1999
- Projection based prefiltering for multiwavelet transforms. 46:3088-3092. 1998
- Blind channel identification and equalization with modulation-induced cyclostationarity. 46:1930-1944. 1998
- Blind identification of ARMA channels with periodically modulated inputs. 46:3099-3104. 1998
- Blind identification of ARMA models with periodically modulated inputs. 45:2628-2629. 1997
- Flexible tree-structured signal expansions using time-varying wavelet packets. 45:333-345. 1997
- Performance analysis of 2-D inverse fast cosine transform employing multiprocessors. 45:1323-1335. 1997
- An efficient code-timing estimator for DS-CDMA signals. 45:82-89. 1997
- Linear multichannel blind equalizers of nonlinear FIR Volterra channels. 45:67-81. 1997
- Spatial blocking filter derivative constraints for the generalized sidelobe canceller and MUSIC. 44:51-61. 1996
- Subsequence-based recovery of missing samples in oversampled bandlimited signals. 44:2917. 1996
- A calibrated generalized sidelobe canceller for wideband beamforming. 42:2871-2875. 1994
- Image segmentation on a 2D array by a directed split and merge procedure. 40:2804-2813. 1992
- Coded Demixing for Unsourced Random Access. 70:2972-2984.
- Decentralized Detection in Sensor Networks. 51:407-416.
- Occupancy Estimation With Wireless Monitoring Devices and Application-Specific Antennas. 65:2123-2135.
- Random Subcarrier Allocation in OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. 60:4758-4774.