publication venue for
- A Computational Study on Crack Propagation in Bio-Inspired Lattices. 774:398-404. 2018
- A Continuum Damage Model for Functionalized Graphene Membranes Based on Atomistic Simulations. 754:173-176. 2017
- Freeze-Thaw Durability of PVA Fiber Reinforced Mortars Representing In Situ Conditions. 624:291-298. 2014
- Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate on Electrical and Optical Properties of ATO Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering. 616:178-182. 2014
- Mathematical Modeling of High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Thermal Spraying: An Overview. 197:1-26. 2001
- Recent research on damage development in SiC/Ti continuous fiber metal matrix composites. 120-:257-284. 1996
- Damping Behavior and Mechanisms in Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites Processed Using Spray Atomization and Deposition. 104-107:691-728. 1995
- Advanced Aerospace Metals Requirements and Characteristics - An Overview. 77-78:1-38. 1992
- Spray Atomization and Deposition Processing of Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites. 53-55:153-159. 1991
- Fabrication and Molding Testing of the Blazed Gratings for Microoptics Applications 2010
- Discrete dislocation modeling of plastic flow processes 2007
- Scratch behavior of EPR-rich TPOS 2007
- Tribological characterization of carbide-derived carbon layers on silicon carbide for dry friction applications 2004
- Discrete dislocation plasticity 2003
- A rate-dependent model for predicting damage accumulation in viscoelastic laminated composites 2002