Somatic cell mapping and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of bovine insulin-like growth factor I.
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The DNA isolated from cow-hamster hybrid somatic cells segregating bovine chromosomes was analyzed by Southern blotting and hybridization with a heterologous [32P]-labeled porcine cDNA probe encoding insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). Thirteen of 25 cow-hamster hybrid cell lines exhibited the bovine-specific IGF-I fragment. Analysis for the retention or loss of bovine IGF-I with markers previously screened against the same panel of hybrid cells revealed a 100% concordance with lactate dehydrogenase B of bovine syntenic group U3 located on bovine chromosome 5. Restriction fragment length analyses of genomic DNA from animals representing five breeds (Angus, Polled Hereford, Simmental, Gelbvieh, and Belgian Blue) and from seven half-sib Angus calves indicated that polymorphisms for the genomic composition of the bovine IGF-I gene may exist in cattle populations.