selected publications academic article Armstrong, T., & Woodward, J (2015). Odd couplings: Effects of dyadic groupings on creativity. 20(2), 49-56. Shah, J. J., Millsap, R. E., Woodward, J., & Smith, S. M. Applied Tests of Design Skills-Part 1: Divergent Thinking. Journal of Mechanical Design - Transactions of the ASME. 134(2), 021005. Shah, J. J., Woodward, J., & Smith, S. M. Applied Tests of Design Skills-Part II: Visual Thinking. Journal of Mechanical Design - Transactions of the ASME. 135(7), 071004. Khorshidi, M., Shah, J. J., & Woodward, J. Applied Tests of Design Skills-Part III: Abstract Reasoning. Journal of Mechanical Design - Transactions of the ASME. 136(10), 101101. Joshi, S. C., Woltering, S., & Woodward, J. Cell Phone Social Media Use and Psychological Well-Being in Young Adults: Implications for Internet-Related Disorders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(2), 1197-1197. Joshi, S. C., Woodward, J., & Woltering, S. Cell phone use distracts young adults from academic work with limited benefit to self-regulatory behavior. Current Psychology. 42(31), 1-17. Garst, B. A., Gagnon, R. J., Clanton, T., & Woodward, J. Cultivating Youth Affinity for College Within the Context of Campus-Based Summer Camps. Journal of Youth Development. 16(5), 64-85. Joshi, S. C., Woodward, J., & Woltering, S. Nighttime cell phone use and sleep quality in young adults. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 20(1), 97-106. Vyas, S., Chen, T., Woodward, J., & Krishnamurthy, V. R. Reflect-Express-Transform: Investigating Speech-Based Iterative Digital Design for Young Designers. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 23(3), Woodward, J., & Sikes, P. L. The Creative Thinking Ability of Musicians and Nonmusicians. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 9(1), 75-80. institutional repository document Woodward, R. S. (2005). Combative creativity: resistance to cognitive fixation effects in an idea generation task
teaching activities EPSY320 Child Dev For Edcators Instructor EPSY321 Adol Dev For Educators Instructor EPSY430 Creativity Theory Resrch Instructor EPSY459 Prac In Educating G/t Instructor EPSY485 Directed Studies Instructor EPSY489 Sptp: Global Career Accel Instructor EPSY489 Sptp: Global Carrer Accelerato Instructor EPSY489 Sptp: Global Tech Experience Instructor EPSY491 Hnr-research Instructor EPSY602 Educ Psychology Instructor EPSY636 Techniques Of Research Instructor EPSY659 Pract Educat Gift & Tl Instructor EPSY683 Field Practicum Instructor EPSY684 Profess Internship Instructor EPSY684 Profess Internship Instructor EPSY684 Profess Internship Instructor EPSY684 Profess Internship Instructor EPSY684 Profess Internship: In-ab Instructor EPSY685 Directed Studies Instructor EPSY691 Research Instructor INST301 Educ Psychology Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2004
awards and honors University Professorships for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2021
mailing address Texas A&M University Educational Psychology 4225 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4225 USA