publication venue for
- The 1.25 A resolution structure of phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.. 64:627-635. 2008
- Improving amino-acid identification, fit and C(alpha) prediction using the Simplex method in automated model building.. 62:1401-1406. 2006
- FINDMOL: automated identification of macromolecules in electron-density maps.. 61:1514-1520. 2005
- Effective electron-density map improvement and structure validation on a Linux multi-CPU web cluster: The TB Structural Genomics Consortium Bias Removal Web Service.. 59:2200-2210. 2003
- Automatic modeling of protein backbones in electron-density maps via prediction of Calpha coordinates.. 58:2043-2054. 2002
- PHENIX: building new software for automated crystallographic structure determination.. 58:1948-1954. 2002
- Determining protein structure from electron-density maps using pattern matching.. 56:722-734. 2000
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of B-domain fragments of a Staphylococcus aureus collagen-binding protein.. 55:525-527. 1999
- Crystallization of ClfA and ClfB fragments: the fibrinogen-binding surface proteins of Staphylococcus aureus.. 55:554-556. 1999
- The structure of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase determined to 2.1 A resolution.. 55:8-24. 1999
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of thiaminase I from Bacillus thiaminolyticus: space group change upon freezing of crystals.. 54:448-450. 1998
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae phospholipid-transfer protein Sec14p.. 53:784-786. 1997
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from Escherichia coli.. 51:827-829. 1995