publication venue for
- Expression profiles of four Nile Tilapia innate immune genes during early stages of Aeromonas veronii infection. 2024
- Evaluation of dairy-yeast prebiotic supplementation in the diet of juvenile goldfish in the presence or absence of phytoplankton and zooplankton.. 21:156-163. 2009
- A digenean metacercaria (Apophallus sp.) and a myxozoan (Myxobolus sp.) associated with vertebral deformities in cyprinid fishes from the Willamette River, Oregon. 16:116-129. 2004
- Linking Stress to the Increased Susceptibility of Channel Catfish to Enteric Septicemia Using Cortisol. 16:93-98. 2004
- Dietary supplementation of vitamin C and/or vitamin E before or after experimental infection with Streptococcus iniae has limited effects on survival of hybrid striped bass. 14:165-175. 2002
- Dietary supplementation of vitamin c and/or vitamin e before or after experimental infection with streptococcus iniae has limited effects on survival of hybrid striped bass. 14:165-175. 2002
- Effects of elevated dietary arginine on resistance of channel catfish to exposure to Edwardsiella ictaluri. 13:194-201. 2001
- Effects of elevated dietary arginine on resistance of channel catfish to exposure to edwardsiella ictaluri. 13:194-201. 2001
- Reduction in Hepatic Microsomal P450 and Related Catalytic Activity in FarmRaised Red Drum. 8:13-21. 1996
- Effect of Vitamin E on the Immune Response of Channel Catfish to Edwardsiella ictaluri. 5:183-188. 1993
- Effects of Dietary Selenium and Vitamin E on Red Blood Cell Peroxidation, Glutathione Peroxidase Activity, and Macrophage Superoxide Anion Production in Channel Catfish. 5:177-182. 1993
- Seasonal Occurrence of Diseases in CageReared Channel Catfish, 19871991. 5:223-229. 1993
- Effects of Dietary Zinc and Calcium on Select Immune Functions of Channel Catfish. 4:24-31. 1992
- New syndrome of mixed bacterial and viral etiology in cultured turbot scophthalmus maximus. 1:197-204. 1989