publication venue for
- The moisture origin of dew: Insights from three sites with contrasting climatic conditions. 37. 2023
- Rainfall event-based surface runoff and erosion in small watersheds under dairy and direct-seeding grain production. 36. 2022
- River network travel time is correlated with dissolved organic matter composition in rivers of the contiguous United States. 35. 2021
- A modified trapezoid framework model for partitioning regional evapotranspiration. 34:5026-5042. 2020
- Bound and mobile soil water isotope ratios are affected by soil texture and mineralogy, whereas extraction method influences their measurement. 34:991-1003. 2020
- Biased estimates of the isotope ratios of steady-state evaporation from the assumption of equilibrium between vapour and precipitation. 33:2576-2590. 2019
- Understanding coastal wetland hydrology with a new regional-scale, process-based hydrological model. 32:3158-3173. 2018
- The effects of floods on the temperature of riparian groundwater. 32:1267-1281. 2018
- Comparison of tree transpiration under wet and dry canopy conditions in a Costa Rican premontane tropical forest. 30:5000-5011. 2016
- The effect of expansion ratio on the critical Reynolds number in single fracture flow with sudden expansion. 30:1718-1726. 2016
- Two-dimensional flow response to tidal fluctuation in a heterogeneous aquifer-aquitard system. 29:927-935. 2015
- Evaluation of gene expression programming approaches for estimating daily evaporation through spatial and temporal data scanning. 28:1215-1225. 2014
- Studies of a regulated dryland river: surface-groundwater interactions. 27:1819-1828. 2013
- How soil moisture mediates the influence of transpiration on streamflow at hourly to interannual scales in a forested catchment. 25:3701-3710. 2011
- Eastern Snow Conference Preface. 24:1913-1913. 2010
- Eastern snow conference/Canadian geophysical union hydrology section - Preface. 22:2727-2727. 2008
- At-a-station hydraulic geometry relations, 1: theoretical development. 22:189-215. 2008
- At-a-station hydraulic geometry relations, 2: calibration and testing. 22:216-228. 2008
- Determination of runoff and sediment yield from a small watershed in sub-humid subtropics using the HSPF model. 21:3035-3045. 2007
- Does rangetand degradation have implications for global streamflow?. 21:2961-2964. 2007
- Predicting and forecasting flow discharge at sites receiving significant lateral inflow. 21:1848-1859. 2007
- Special issue - Eastern Snow Conference/Western Snow Conference - Preface. 21:1533-1533. 2007
- On robustness of large quantile estimates to largest elements of the observation series. 21:1328-1344. 2007
- A non-equilibrium sediment transport model for rill erosion. 21:1074-1084. 2007
- Complementary aspects of linear flood routing modelling and flood frequency analysis. 20:3535-3554. 2006
- Emerging issues in rangeland ecohydrology - Preface. 20:3155-3157. 2006
- Rainfall partitioning within semiarid juniper communities: effects of event size and canopy cover. 20:3179-3189. 2006
- Shrubs, streamflow, and the paradox of scale. 20:3245-3259. 2006
- Soil water storage and rooting depth: key factors controlling recharge on rangelands. 20:3261-3275. 2006
- Springs on rangelands: runoff dynamics and influence of woody plant cover. 20:3277-3288. 2006
- A relook at NEH4 curve number data and antecedent moisture condition criteria. 20:2755-2768. 2006
- Eastern Snow Conference/Western Snow Conference - Preface. 20:627-627. 2006
- A simulation model for unified interrill erosion and rill erosion on hillslopes. 20:469-486. 2006
- Recharge, upflux and water table response for shallow water table conditions in southwest Florida. 20:1895-1907. 2006
- Threeparameter discontinuous distributions for hydrological samples with zero values. 19:2899-2914. 2005
- Catchment areabased evaluation of the AMCdependent SCSCNbased rainfallrunoff models. 19:2701-2718. 2005
- Assessment of flooding in urbanized ungauged basins: a case study in the Upper Tiber area, Italy. 19:1909-1924. 2005
- Errors of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for timeindependent flows with infiltration and momentum exchange included. 19:1771-1790. 2005
- Effects of storm direction and duration on infiltrating planar flow with partial coverage. 19:969-992. 2005
- Advances in the application of the SWAT model for water resources management. 19:749-762. 2005
- Effect of GIS data quality on small watershed stream flow and sediment simulations. 19:629-650. 2005
- Return-flow assessment for irrigation command in the Palleru river basin using SWAT model. 19:673-682. 2005
- Preface. 18:3469-3469. 2004
- Validity and extension of the SCSCN method for computing infiltration and rainfallexcess rates. 18:3323-3345. 2004
- Preface. 18:1051-1051. 2004
- Snowmelt-driven macropore flow and soil saturation in a semiarid forest. 18:1035-1042. 2004
- Comparison of infiltration models. 17:2629-2652. 2003
- Hysteresisbased analysis of overland metal transport. 17:1579-1606. 2003
- Role of dimensionless numbers in wave analysis. 17:651-669. 2003
- Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave for spatialvarying rainfall excess over a plane. 16:3419-3435. 2002
- Effect of the duration and direction of storm movement on planar flow with full and partial areal coverage. 16:3437-3466. 2002
- On the status of flood frequency analysis. 16:3737-3740. 2002
- Preface. 16:3527-3527. 2002
- Kinematic wave solutions for pollutant transport over an infiltrating plane with finiteperiod mixing and mixing zone. 16:2441-2477. 2002
- Kinematic wave solutions for pollutant transport by runoff over an impervious plane, with instantaneous or finiteperiod mixing. 16:1831-1863. 2002
- Effect of the duration and direction of storm movement on infiltrating planar flow with full areal coverage. 16:1479-1511. 2002
- Lag prediction in ungauged basins: an investigation through actual data of the upper Tiber River valley. 16:1085-1094. 2002
- Is hydrology kinematic?. 16:667-716. 2002
- Hysteresisbased floodwave analysis using the concept of strain. 15:1635-1651. 2001
- Kinematic wave modelling in water resources: a historical perspective. 15:671-706. 2001
- Evaluation and generalization of temperaturebased methods for calculating evaporation. 15:305-319. 2001
- A geomorphologic kinematicwave (GKW) model for estimation of floods from small alpine watersheds. 13:1391-1416. 1999
- The relationship between dissolved organic carbon in stream water and soil organic carbon pools at different spatial scales. 13:1289-1302. 1999
- Improving snow cover mapping in forests through the use of a canopy reflectance model. 12:1723-1744. 1998
- Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for spaceindependent flows on infiltrating surfaces with lateral inflow neglected in the momentum equation. 9:783-796. 1995
- Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for timeindependent flows. 9:755-782. 1995
- Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for spaceindependent flows on infiltrating surfaces. 9:1-18. 1995
- Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for spaceindependent flows with lateral inflow neglected in the momentum equation. 8:311-326. 1994
- Accuracy of kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for space independent flows. 8:45-62. 1994
- On the extraction of channel networks from digital elevation data. 5:81-100. 1991
- Drainage basin peak discharge rating curve. 2:245-253. 1988