publication venue for
- Characterizing groundwater-surface water interaction across the Brazos River watershed, Texas, with uranium isotopes. 147:105491-105491. 2022
- Plants and related carbon cycling under elevated ground-level ozone: A mini review. 144:105400-105400. 2022
- A review of machine learning in geochemistry and cosmochemistry: Method improvements and applications. 140:105273-105273. 2022
- Development of LC-HGAFS method for direct measurement of monothioarsenate and application for its adsorption characteristics. 122:104708-104708. 2020
- Mobilization of co-occurring trace elements (CTEs) in arsenic contaminated aquifers in the Bengal basin. 122:104709-104709. 2020
- Iodine speciation in cementitious environments. 103:15-22. 2019
- Soil quality changes due to flood irrigation in agricultural fields along the Rio Grande in western Texas. 90:87-100. 2018
- Iodine and plutonium association with natural organic matter: A review of recent advances. 85:121-127. 2017
- Shale gas storage in kerogen nanopores with surface heterogeneities. 84:1-10. 2017
- Shale gas storage in kerogen nanopores with surface heterogeneities. 84:1-10. 2017
- Geochemical controls of iodine uptake and transport in Savannah River Site subsurface sediments. 45:105-113. 2014
- Centimeter-scale characterization of biogeochemical gradients at a wetlandaquifer interface using capillary electrophoresis. 22:2664-2683. 2007
- Cancrinite and sodalite formation in the presence of cesium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and strontium in Hanford tank waste simulants. 21:2049-2063. 2006
- Mineral formation during simulated leaks of Hanford waste tanks. 21:1392-1409. 2006
- Volatile organic acids and microbial processes in the Yegua formation, east-central Texas. 16:183-195. 2001
- A need to study interactive effects. 3:81-81. 1988
- Geochemical and hydrodynamic controls on arsenic and trace metal cycling in a seasonally stratified US sub-tropical reservoir. 19:1601-1623.