publication venue for
- Theory of functional connections applied to quadratic and nonlinear programming under equality constraints. 406:113912-113912. 2022
- Least-squares solutions of boundary-value problems in hybrid systems. 393:113524-113524. 2021
- A randomized balanced proper orthogonal decomposition technique. 368:112540-112540. 2020
- Homogenization of time-harmonic Maxwell's equations in nonhomogeneous plasmonic structures. 377:112909-112909. 2020
- High accuracy least-squares solutions of nonlinear differential equations.. 352:293-307. 2019
- A note on the uniform inf-sup condition for the Brinkman problem in highly heterogeneous media. 340:537-545. 2018
- Application of the virial theorem for improving eigenvalue calculations of multiparticle systems. 313:469-485. 2017
- General approach to constructing optimal multipoint families of iterative methods using Hermite's rational interpolation. 321:261-269. 2017
- Geometric Multigrid for Darcy and Brinkman models of flows in highly heterogeneous porous media: A numerical study. 310:174-185. 2017
- The approximation of parabolic equations involving fractional powers of elliptic operators. 315:32-48. 2017
- A simple finite element method for boundary value problems with a Riemann-Liouville derivative. 293:94-111. 2016
- POD-based model reduction for stabilized finite element approximations of shallow water flows. 302:50-70. 2016
- An augmented singular transform and its partial Newton method for finding new solutions. 286:145-157. 2015
- Estimate of Morse index of cooperative elliptic systems and its application to spatial vector solitons. 281:169-181. 2015
- Extended Gaussian type cubatures for the ball. 290:209-223. 2015
- Symmetric quadrature rules for simplexes based on sphere close packed lattice arrangements. 266:18-38. 2014
- A fully coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics solver for highly heterogeneous porous media. 270:417-432. 2014
- Local-global model reduction of parameter-dependent, single-phase flow models via balanced truncation. 271:163-179. 2014
- Analysis and algorithms for the computation of the excited states of helium. 235:2041-2062. 2011
- The scalar Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem with boundary conditions. 235:2615-2625. 2011
- Chaotic synchronization by the intermittent feedback method. 234:1097-1104. 2010
- Computation of blowing-up solutions for second-order differential equations using re-scaling techniques. 227:185-195. 2009
- Quadrature formulas for Fourier coefficients. 231:378-391. 2009
- Stabilized discontinuous finite element approximations for Stokes equations. 198:236-252. 2007
- Postprocessing and higher order convergence of the mixed finite element approximations of biharmonic eigenvalue problems. 182:333-349. 2005
- Cubature formulae for spheres, simplices and balls. 162:483-496. 2004
- Numerical technique for the inverse resonance problem. 170:337-347. 2004
- Some useful filtering techniques for illposed problems. 100:161-171. 1998
- On minimal cubature formulae for product weight functions. 85:113-121. 1997
- Error estimates for Krylov subspace approximations of matrix exponentials. 72:359-369. 1996
- The determination of a coefficient in an elliptic equation from average flux data. 70:173-187. 1996
- A two-mesh adaptive mesh refinement technique for SN neutral-particle transport using a higher-order DGFEM. 233:3178-3188.
- On nodal point sets for flux reconstruction. 381:113014-113014.
- Stability analysis of a class of integral equations with not necessarily differentiable solutions. 398:113702-113702.
- Tree approximation of the long wave radiation parameterization in the NCAR CAM global climate model 2011