publication venue for
- Variations and controlling factors of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in a meadow-rice ecosystem in a semi-arid region. 215:106317-106317. 2022
- Moisture content effect on the creep behavior of loess for the catastrophic Baqiao landslide. 187:104371-104371. 2020
- Formation mechanism analysis of irrigation-induced retrogressive loess landslides. 195:104441-104441. 2020
- Deconstructing aeolian landscapes. 174:452-468. 2019
- Analysis of sediment rating loops and particle size distributions to characterize sediment source at mid-sized plot scale. 167:221-227. 2018
- Evaluating hydrologic responses to soil characteristics using SWAT model in a paired-watersheds in the Upper Blue Nile Basin. 163:332-341. 2018
- Simulation of stream flow and hydrological response to land-cover changes in a tropical river basin. 162:166-176. 2018
- Spatio-temporal distribution of soil respiration in dune-meadow cascade ecosystems in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. 157:397-406. 2017
- Bedload as an indicator of heavy metal contamination in a Brazilian anthropized watershed. 153:106-113. 2017
- Soil-landscape relationship in a chronosequence of the middle Madeira River in southwestern Amazon, Brazil. 149:199-208. 2017
- Physically based soil erosion and sediment yield models revisited. 147:595-620. 2016
- Impact of mulching on soil and water dynamics under intermittent simulated rainfall. 109:139-149. 2013
- Three geomorphological rainfall-runoff models based on the linear reservoir concept. 76:206-214. 2009
- The influence of storm movement on water erosion: storm direction and velocity effects. 52:39-56. 2003
- Variability in an edaphic indicator in alpine tundra. 49:203-215. 2002
- A mathematical model for evaluating the effect of wind on downward-spraying rainfall simulators. 46:221-241. 2002
- Errors of kinematic-wave and diffusion-wave approximations for steady-state overland flows. 27:209-227. 1996
- Afforestation of degraded grasslands reduces sediment transport and may contribute to streamflow regulation in small catchments in the short-run. 204:105371-105371.
- Analysis of streamflow responses to climate variability and land use change in the Loess Plateau region of China. 154:1-11.
- Application date as a controlling factor of pesticide transfers to surface water during runoff events. 119:97-103.
- Assessment of the soil water content in the Pampas region using SWAT. 137:298-309.
- Biogeochemistry of plant essential mineral nutrients across rock, soil, water and fruits in vineyards of Central Chile. 196:104905-104905.
- Development of a Pleistocene calcrete over a sequence of marine terraces at Tongoy (north-central Chile) and its paleoenvironmental implications. 97:104-118.
- Four decades in fires research-A bibliometric analysis about the impact on mineralogy and nutrients. 226:107065-107065.
- Identification of suitable areas for fodder production in Ethiopia. 213:106154-106154.
- Multi-parallel structure and a generalized conceptual model of livestock track network. 216:106380-106380.
- Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile. 170:335-355.
- Quantifying the influence of landscape ecology on wind erosion in the western United States using the APEX-LWE model. 242:108121-108121.
- Runoff from tropical alpine grasslands increases with areal extent of wetlands. 125:120-128.
- Soil type modulates the response of C, N, P stocks and stoichiometry after native forest substitution by exotic plantations. 197:104997-104997.
- Steepland resources: characteristics, stability and micromorphology. 54:619-636.
- The biogeophysical impacts of land cover changes in Northern Hemisphere permafrost regions. 243:108209-108209.
- The role of peat on permafrost thaw based on field observations. 208:105772-105772.
- Interrill erosion and roughness parameters of vegetation in rangelands 2017
- Soil structural interfaces in some Texas Vertisols and their impact on solute transport 2003