publication venue for
- Creating Meaningfulness in Public Service Work: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Public and Nonprofit Managers Experience of Work. 52:122-138. 2022
- Managing a Pandemic at a Less Than Global Scale: Governors Take the Lead. 50:551-559. 2020
- Citizen Participation and Its Impact on Performance in U.S. Nursing Homes. 49:840-854. 2019
- Fostering Civic Health: An Analysis of the Generative and Mediating Activities of Community-Based Organizations. 49:762-776. 2019
- Minority Public Administrators: Managing Organizational Demands While Acting as an Advocate. 49:810-824. 2019
- Can You Find It on the Web? An Assessment of Municipal E-Government Transparency. 47:172-188. 2017
- The Multiple Dimensions of Managerial Networking. 43:251-272. 2013
- Governmental Transparency in the Path of Administrative Reform.. 42:125-127. 2012
- Environmental and Organizational Determinants of External Networking. 41:355-374. 2011
- The Human Side of Public Organizations Contributions to Organizational Performance. 39:499-518. 2009
- Ethnic Conflict in France A Case for Representative Bureaucracy?. 39:269-285. 2009
- The Proverbs of New Public Management Lessons From an Evidence-Based Research Agenda. 39:4-22. 2009
- Path dependence and organizational behavior - Bureaucracy and social promotion. 36:241-260. 2006
- Equity versus excellence in organizations - A substantively weighted least squares analysis. 29:5-18. 1999
- The Impact of Representative Bureaucracies: Educational Systems and Public Policies. 22:157-171. 1992
- A Citizen-Sensitive Approach to Retrenching Services in the Public Sector. 18:79-93. 1988
- A Preliminary Analysis of Personnel Officials' Satisfaction with Affirmative Action Policy Implementation in Selected Texas State Agencies. 17:47-57. 1987
- Municipal Service Suits, Local Public Services and Service Equality. 14:29-39. 1980
- Administrative Burden in the Cafeteria: Evidence from School Meal Participation in Shared Buildings
- Does public service motivation really make a difference on the job satisfaction and turnover intentions of public employees?. 38:149-166.
- Why Government Fails so Often: And How It Can Do Better. 45:496-498.