publication venue for
- Two Murnaghan-Nakayama Rules in Schubert Calculus. 22:363-375. 2018
- Primary Components of Codimension Two Lattice Basis Ideals. 21:353-373. 2017
- Avoiding Monotone Chains in Fillings of Layer Polyominoes. 20:883-897. 2016
- On the Enumeration of Non-Crossing Pairings of Well-Balanced Binary Strings. 17:379-391. 2013
- Cofree Compositions of Coalgebras. 17:105-130. 2013
- Expected Sums of General Parking Functions. 7:481-493. 2003
- Branching Processes with Negative Offspring Distributions. 7:35-47. 2003
- Graphical operations on projective spaces. 2:243-289. 1998