publication venue for
- Intestinal epithelium aryl hydrocarbon receptor is involved in stress sensitivity and maintaining depressive symptoms.. 440:114256-114256. 2023
- Preliminary effects of prefrontal tDCS on dopamine-mediated behavior and psychophysiology.. 402:113091-113091. 2021
- Functional deficit in hippocampal activity during fear extinction recall in the single prolonged-stress model of PTSD in male rats.. 396:112902-112902. 2021
- Maladaptive avoidance patterns in Parkinson's disease are exacerbated by symptoms of depression.. 382:112473-112473. 2020
- Ketamine: The final frontier or another depressing end?. 383:112508-112508. 2020
- Overlap in the neural circuitry and molecular mechanisms underlying ketamine abuse and its use as an antidepressant.. 384:112548-112548. 2020
- Nucleus reuniens mediates the extinction of contextual fear conditioning.. 374:112114-112114. 2019
- D-Cycloserine Facilitates Reversal in an Animal Model of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.. 347:332-338. 2018
- Severe, multimodal stress exposure induces PTSD-like characteristics in a mouse model of single prolonged stress.. 303:228-237. 2016
- Alterations in cognitive flexibility in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder.. 286:256-264. 2015
- Differential effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine on the responses of D2/D3 dopamine receptors.. 284:37-41. 2015
- Post-training re-exposure to fear conditioned stimuli enhances memory consolidation and biases rats toward the use of dorsolateral striatum-dependent response learning.. 291:195-200. 2015
- Sign-tracking to an appetitive cue predicts incubation of conditioned fear in rats.. 276:59-66. 2015
- Changes of hippocampal beta-alanine and citrulline levels are paralleling early and late phase of retrieval in the Morris Water Maze.. 249:104-108. 2013
- The effects of working memory resource depletion and training on sensorimotor adaptation.. 228:107-115. 2012
- Buspirone blocks the enhancing effect of the anxiogenic drug RS 79948-197 on consolidation of habit memory.. 234:299-302. 2012
- The role of olfactory stimulus in adult mammalian neurogenesis.. 227:356-362. 2012
- Mapping vocalization-related immediate early gene expression in echolocating bats.. 224:358-368. 2011
- Inactivation of the prelimbic cortex enhances freezing induced by trimethylthiazoline, a component of fox feces.. 221:320-323. 2011
- Individual variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to an appetitive cue predicts the propensity to attribute motivational salience to an aversive cue.. 220:238-243. 2011
- Viral-mediated expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 in the ventral tegmental area modulates behavioral responses to cocaine.. 214:460-464. 2010
- Exhumed from thought: basal ganglia and response learning in the plus-maze.. 199:24-31. 2009
- Special issue on the role of the basal ganglia in learning and memory. Preface.. 199:1-2. 2009
- An animal model of hypnotic pain attenuation.. 197:198-204. 2009
- Effects of food deprivation on goal-directed behavior, spontaneous locomotion, and c-Fos immunoreactivity in the amygdala.. 197:9-15. 2009
- Lesions of the entorhinal cortex or fornix disrupt the context-dependence of fear extinction in rats.. 194:201-206. 2008
- Chronic, low-dose prenatal exposure to methylmercury impairs motor and mnemonic function in adult C57/B6 mice.. 191:55-61. 2008
- The amygdala and emotional modulation of competition between cognitive and habit memory.. 193:126-131. 2008
- The impact of morphine after a spinal cord injury.. 179:281-293. 2007
- Mouse behavioral tasks relevant to autism: phenotypes of 10 inbred strains.. 176:4-20. 2007
- Sensory feedback control of mammalian vocalizations.. 182:315-326. 2007
- Two chronic motor training paradigms differentially influence acute instrumental learning in spinally transected rats.. 180:95-101. 2007
- Instrumental learning within the spinal cord: VI. The NMDA receptor antagonist, AP5, disrupts the acquisition and maintenance of an acquired flexion response.. 154:431-438. 2004
- Instrumental learning within the spinal cord: V. Evidence the behavioral deficit observed after noncontingent nociceptive stimulation reflects an intraspinal modification.. 141:159-170. 2003
- Voluntary control of postural equilibrium patterns.. 143:121-140. 2003
- The amygdala mediates memory consolidation for an amphetamine conditioned place preference.. 129:93-100. 2002
- Modification of ion channels and calcium homeostasis of basal forebrain neurons during aging.. 115:219-233. 2000
- The role of contextual versus discrete drug-associated cues in promoting the induction of psychomotor sensitization to intravenous amphetamine.. 116:1-22. 2000
- A role for amygdaloid PKA and PKC in the acquisition of long-term conditional fear memories in rats.. 114:145-152. 2000
- Shock-induced hyperalgesia: evidence forebrain systems play an essential role.. 100:33-42. 1999
- Testicular hormones do not regulate sexually dimorphic Pavlovian fear conditioning or perforant-path long-term potentiation in adult male rats.. 92:1-9. 1998
- Neurotoxic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus and Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats.. 88:261-274. 1997
- Amygdala modulates memory for changes in reward magnitude: reversible post-training inactivation with lidocaine attenuates the response to a reduction in reward.. 59:153-159. 1993
- Dose and time response analysis of apomorphine's effect on prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle.. 42:43-48. 1991
- Brown (BAT) and white (WAT) adipose tissue in high-fat junk food (HFJF) and chow-fed rats with dorsomedial hypothalamic lesions (DMNL rats).. 43:191-195. 1991
- Acute tryptophan depletion induced by a gelatin-based mixture impairs object memory but not affective behavior and spatial learning in the rat.. 151:53-64.
- Role of the D3 dopamine receptor in nicotine sensitization.. 289:92-104.
- Ventral hippocampus mediates inter-trial responding in signaled active avoidance.. 115071-115071.
- The hippocampus and contextual memory retrieval in Pavlovian conditioning. 2000