publication venue for
- Earnings Virality. 75:101517-101517. 2023
- Are auditors rewarded for low audit quality? The case of auditor lenience in the insurance industry. 73:101424-101424. 2022
- Meet the press: Survey evidence on financial journalists as information intermediaries. 73:101455-101455. 2022
- What's my target? Individual analyst forecasts and last-chance earnings management*. 72:101423-101423. 2021
- Effects of accounting conservatism on investment efficiency and innovation. 70:101319-101319. 2020
- Market uncertainty and the importance of media coverage at earnings announcements. 69:101264-101264. 2020
- Managing the narrative: Investor relations officers and corporate disclosure. 67:58-79. 2019
- IRS and corporate taxpayer effects of geographic proximity. 63:428-453. 2017
- The effect of capital gains taxes on the initial pricing and underpricing of IPOs. 61:465-485. 2016
- The activities of buy-side analysts and the determinants of their stock recommendations. 62:139-156. 2016
- Audit committee financial expertise and earnings management: The role of status. 58:208-230. 2014
- Mark-to-market regulatory accounting when securities markets are stressed: Lessons from the financial crisis of 20072009. 52:174-177. 2011
- A tale of two intermediaries: A discussion of Johnston, Markov and Ramnath (2009), and Cheng and Neamtiu (2009). 47:131-135. 2009
- Accounting conservatism and board of director characteristics: An empirical analysis. 43:411-437. 2007
- Bank loan loss provisions: a reexamination of capital management, earnings management and signaling effects. 28:1-25. 1999
- The information content of earnings and prices: A simultaneous equations approach. 23:53-81. 1997
- Stock market valuation of gains and losses on commercial banks' investment securities An empirical analysis. 20:207-225. 1995
- Accounting earnings and future economic rents An empirical analysis. 17:377-400. 1994
- An earnings prediction approach to examining intercompany information transfers. 15:509-523. 1992