publication venue for
- Everyday discrimination and risk for clinical depression among a community sample of undocumented Latino immigrants in the United States.. 334:115793-115793. 2024
- Linking trauma to mental health in the statewide Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (TX-YDSRN).. 331:115620-115620. 2023
- Help-seeking intentions in the U.S. population during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining the role of COVID-19 financial hardship, suicide risk, and stigma.. 303:114069-114069. 2021
- Prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders among people with autism spectrum disorder: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.. 287:112922-112922. 2020
- Posttraumatic stress, alcohol use, and alcohol use motives among firefighters: The role of distress tolerance.. 282:112633-112633. 2019
- Phenotypic analysis of 23andMe survey data: Treatment-resistant depression from participants' perspective.. 278:173-179. 2019
- PTSD symptom severity and impulsivity among firefighters: Associations with alcohol use.. 278:315-323. 2019
- Fear reactivity to head-mounted display perceptual illusion challenges is associated with suicidality.. 276:262-268. 2019
- Intolerance of uncertainty and responsibility for harm predict nocturnal panic attacks.. 273:82-88. 2019
- High serum levels of FGF21 are decreased in bipolar mania patients during psychotropic medication treatment and are associated with increased metabolism disturbance.. 272:643-648. 2019
- Understanding mental health among military veterans in the fire service.. 267:394-399. 2018
- Occupational stress and suicidality among firefighters: Examining the buffering role of distress tolerance.. 266:90-96. 2018
- Cyberchondria: Overlap with health anxiety and unique relations with impairment, quality of life, and service utilization.. 261:204-211. 2018
- Cross-validation of the Personality Assessment Inventory "Chronic Suicide Risk Index: S_Chron" in a large sample of offenders.. 259:439-441. 2018
- Psychosocial relationship status and quality as predictors of exercise intervention adherence and substance use outcomes: Results from the STRIDE (CTN-0037) study.. 254:332-339. 2017
- Anxiety sensitivity mediates gender differences in post-concussive symptoms in a clinical sample.. 252:242-246. 2017
- Demographic and clinical characteristics of current comorbid psychiatric disorders in a randomized clinical trial for adults with stimulant use disorders.. 246:136-141. 2016
- Posttraumatic stress disorder's dysphoria dimension and relations with generalized anxiety disorder symptoms.. 228:150-155. 2015
- Baseline prevalence of Axis I diagnosis in the Ohio Army National Guard.. 226:142-148. 2015
- An examination of the broader effects of warzone experiences on returning Iraq/Afghanistan veterans' psychiatric health.. 226:78-83. 2015
- The VA augmentation and switching treatments for improving depression outcomes (VAST-D) study: Rationale and design considerations.. 229:760-770. 2015
- The impact of childhood parental loss on risk for mood, anxiety and substance use disorders in a population-based sample of male twins.. 220:404-409. 2014
- Influence of depression symptoms on history-independent reward and punishment processing.. 207:53-60. 2013
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction in non-clinical psychosis.. 206:315-317. 2013
- Smoking is a predictor of depression onset among National Guard soldiers.. 206:321-323. 2013
- The factor structure of major depression symptoms: a test of four competing models using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9.. 199:169-173. 2012
- A diffusion tensor imaging study of the anterior limb of the internal capsule in schizophrenia.. 184:143-150. 2010
- A pilot study of Manual-Assisted Cognitive Therapy with a Therapeutic Assessment augmentation for Borderline Personality Disorder.. 178:531-535. 2010
- Neuroticism associated with neural activation patterns to positive stimuli.. 156:263-267. 2007
- Effect of repeat exposure on neuroendocrine and symptom responses to pentagastrin.. 126:189-195. 2004
- Impulsive and premeditated aggression: a factor analysis of self-reported acts.. 86:163-173. 1999
- Blood platelet uptake of serotonin in episodic aggression.. 27:5-12. 1989
- A 4-week morning light treatment reduces amygdala reactivity and clinical symptoms in adults with traumatic stress.. 342:116209-116209.
- Acculturative stress and mental health among economically disadvantaged Spanish-speaking Latinos in primary care: The role of anxiety sensitivity.. 261:421-427.
- Anxiety sensitivity and pain intensity independently predict opioid misuse and dependence in chronic pain patients.. 294:113523-113523.
- Dysphoria: a major symptom factor in persons with disability or chronic illness.. 43:231-241.
- Effects of tryptophan depletion on anxiety and on panic provoked by carbon dioxide challenge.. 77:167-174.
- Effects of tryptophan depletion on carbon dioxide provoked panic in panic disorder patients.. 93:179-187.
- Mindful attention moderating the effect of experiential avoidance in terms of mental health among Latinos in a federally qualified health center.. 270:574-580.
- Parental threats and adolescent depression: The role of emotion dysregulation.. 276:18-24.
- Refinement of anxiety sensitivity measurement: The Short Scale Anxiety Sensitivity Index (SSASI).. 269:549-557.
- Rumination and PTSD symptoms among trauma-exposed Latinos in primary care: Is mindful attention helpful?. 258:244-249.
- The effect of acute tryptophan depletion on performance and the BOLD response during a Stroop task in healthy first-degree relatives of patients with unipolar depression.. 173:52-58.