publication venue for
- Ink Rheology Regulates Stability of Bioprinted Strands.. 144:074503. 2022
- Relating Metabolism Suppression and Nucleation Probability During Supercooled Biopreservation.. 144:074504. 2022
- The Effects of Implantation Orientation of a Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve in an Anatomic Left Ventricle-Aorta Configuration.. 144:101008. 2022
- A Microthermal Sensor for Cryoablation Balloons.. 142:121003. 2020
- Interactions Between Structural Remodeling and Hypertrophy in the Right Ventricle in Response to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.. 141:0910161-09101613. 2019
- Thermodynamic Theory and Experimental Validation of a Multiphase Isochoric Freezing Process.. 141:081011. 2019
- An Analytical Poroelastic Model of a Nonhomogeneous Medium Under Creep Compression for Ultrasound Poroelastography Applications-Part I.. 141:060902. 2019
- An Analytical Poroelastic Model of a Nonhomogeneous Medium Under Creep Compression for Ultrasound Poroelastography Applications-Part II.. 141:060903. 2019
- Automated Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle From Multiple-Axis Echocardiography.. 138:011003. 2016
- The Role of Shape and Heart Rate on the Performance of the Left Ventricle.. 137:114501. 2015
- Device-based in vitro techniques for mechanical stimulation of vascular cells: a review.. 137:040801. 2015
- Study of insertion force and deformation for suturing with precurved NiTi guidewire.. 137:041004. 2015
- The effect of static and dynamic loading on degradation of PLLA stent fibers.. 136:081006. 2014
- Biomechanics of the canine mandible during bone transport distraction osteogenesis.. 136:1110111-1110118. 2014
- Subject-specific finite element modeling of the tibiofemoral joint based on CT, magnetic resonance imaging and dynamic stereo-radiography data in vivo.. 136:0410041-0410048. 2014
- Capturing three-dimensional in vivo lumbar intervertebral joint kinematics using dynamic stereo-X-ray imaging.. 136:011004. 2014
- Fidelity of the estimation of the deformation gradient from data deduced from the motion of markers placed on a body that is subject to an inhomogeneous deformation field.. 135:81004. 2013
- A device to study the effects of stretch gradients on cell behavior.. 133:101008. 2011
- In vivo stress analysis of a pacing lead from an angiographic sequence.. 133:041004. 2011
- Pulsatile flow effects on the hemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms.. 132:111009. 2010
- The effect of implantation orientation of a bileaflet mechanical heart valve on kinematics and hemodynamics in an anatomic aorta.. 132:111005. 2010
- Dynamic effect of heat shock pretreatment on apoptotic responses to TNF-alpha in liver cells.. 131:071003. 2009
- Effects of dressing type on 3D tissue microdeformations during negative pressure wound therapy: a computational study.. 131:031012. 2009
- Nonhomogeneous strain from sparse marker arrays for analysis of transmural myocardial mechanics.. 129:603-610. 2007
- Constitutive material modeling of cell: a micromechanics approach.. 129:315-323. 2007
- A model of stress and strain in the interosseous ligament of the forearm based on fiber network theory.. 128:725-732. 2006
- A theoretical model of enlarging intracranial fusiform aneurysms.. 128:142-149. 2006
- Guest editorial for the Special Issue of Journal of Biomechanical Engineering on Medical Devices. 127:893-893. 2005
- Heat-induced changes in the finite strain viscoelastic behavioir of a collaagenous tissue.. 127:580-586. 2005
- Experimentally tractable, pseudo-elastic constitutive law for biomembranes: I. Theory.. 125:94-99. 2003
- Experimentally tractable, pseudo-elastic constitutive law for biomembranes: II. Application.. 125:100-105. 2003
- Accuracy of elastic property measurement in mandibular cortical bone is improved by using cylindrical specimens.. 124:714-723. 2002
- A left ventricle model to predict post-revascularization ejection fraction based on cine magnetic resonance images.. 124:52-55. 2002
- Cross-sectional deformation of the aorta as measured with magnetic resonance imaging.. 120:18-21. 1998
- A single integral finite strain viscoelastic model of ligaments and tendons.. 118:221-226. 1996
- Evaluation of magnetic resonance velocimetry for steady flow.. 112:464-472. 1990
- A New Method for Quantifying Abdominal Aortic Wall Shear Stress Using Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Womersley Solution.. 144:091011.
- A New Strain Energy Function Representing the Passive Behavior of the Myocardium.. 145:111004.
- Effects of stent design parameters on normal artery wall mechanics.. 128:757-765.
- Fluid and thermal dynamics of cryogen sprays impinging on a human tissue phantom.. 130:051005.
- Integration of Febio as an Instructional Tool in the Undergraduate Biomechanics Curriculum.. 146:051001.
- The Elephant in the Cell: Nuclear Mechanics and Mechanobiology.. 144:080802.