publication venue for
- A novel defrosting initiation strategy based on convolutional neural network for air-source heat pump. 128:95-103. 2021
- A Performance analysis of the Claridge-Culp-Liu dehumidification process: A novel approach for drying moist air based on membrane separation, vacuum compression and sub-atmospheric condensation. 122:192-200. 2021
- Energy performance analysis of a membrane dehumidification system. 127:230-238. 2021
- Performance maximization by temperature glide matching in energy exchangers of cooling systems operating with natural hydrocarbon/CO2 refrigerants. 119:294-304. 2020
- A new approach for drying moist air: The ideal Claridge-Culp-Liu dehumidification process with membrane separation, vacuum compression and sub-atmospheric condensation. 101:211-217. 2019
- A comparison of static and dynamic fault detection techniques for transcritical refrigeration. 80:212-224. 2017
- On reducing evaporator superheat nonlinearity with control architecture. 33:607-614. 2010
- An experimental comparison of evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients for HFC-134a and CFC-12. 14:70-77. 1991
- Effect of short-tube orifice size on the performance of an air source heat pump during the reverse-cycle defrost. 14:52-57. 1991
- Heat transfer and pressure drop during evaporation and condensation of R22 in horizontal micro-fin tubes. 12:6-14. 1989