REU Site: Biological, Green, and Materials Chemistry Research at Texas A&M University
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This award from the Division of Chemistry (CHE) and the Division of Biological Infrastructure (DBI) in the Biological Sciences Directorate supports a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at Texas A&M University, led by Professors Holly Gaede and James Batteas. The research projects supported at this Site are in areas of biological, green, and materials chemistry. Undergraduates are recruited to this site primarily from institutions that lack extensive infrastructure to support undergraduate research, and include students from underrepresented groups. The diverse student cohort participating in research at this site is well-prepared for graduate school, and eventual employment as part of the country''s technical workforce.The Site supports ten students per summer in a ten week program. A sample of the projects include: (1) the synthesis of bioactive natural products; (2) the synthesis of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources; (3) the design of metal-organic framework for the reversible adsorption of carbon dioxide; (4) the tuning of surface interactions for the control of friction and wear; (5) synthesis of conjugated ladder polymers for organic solar cells, and (6) the computational design of transition metal free catalysts. Exposure to the modern research methods and tools used in the research expands the undergraduate participants'' technical training. In addition, the students are exposed to areas of science with important societal impacts in health, energy, environment, and materials. In addition to conducting research during the summer, the students participating in this program will participate in a number of professional development activities, and will have expanded opportunities for presentation of their research at national disciplinary meetings.