publication venue for
- Separation of oxidized americium from lanthanides by use of pillared metal(IV) phosphate-phosphonate hybrid materials. 100:901-906. 2012
- Pillared metal(IV) phosphate-phosphonate extraction of actinides. 100:381-387. 2012
- Gas chemical investigation of hafnium and zirconium complexes with hexafluoroacetylacetone using preseparated short-lived radioisotopes. 97:403-418. 2009
- Attempts to chemically investigate element 112. 94:181-191. 2006
- Extraction of short-lived zirconium and hafnium isotopes using crown ethers: A model system for the study of rutherfordium. 94:123-129. 2006
- Mechanisms of plutonium sorption to mineral oxide surfaces: new insights with implications for colloid-enhanced migration 2010
- Pu(V) reduction and enhancement of particle-water partitioning by exopolymeric substances 2008