publication venue for
- Assessment of compression-induced solid stress, fluid pressure and mechanopathological parameters in cancersin vivousing poroelastography.. 68:135014-135014. 2023
- Specific absorbed fractions for a revised series of the UF/NCI pediatric reference phantoms: internal electron sources.. 66:035005-035005. 2021
- Specific absorbed fractions for a revised series of the UF/NCI pediatric reference phantoms: internal photon sources.. 66:035006-035006. 2021
- Assessment of the long bone inter-fragmentary gap size in ultrasound strain elastograms.. 64:025014-025014. 2019
- A model-based approach to investigate the effect of elevated interstitial fluid pressure on strain elastography.. 63:215011-215011. 2018
- An analytical poroelastic model for ultrasound elastography imaging of tumors.. 63:025031-025031. 2018
- Bone surface enhancement in ultrasound images using a new Doppler-based acquisition/processing method.. 63:025035-025035. 2018
- Effect of bone-soft tissue friction on ultrasound axial shear strain elastography.. 62:6074-6091. 2017
- Accelerated susceptibility-based positive contrast imaging of MR compatible metallic devices based on modified fast spin echo sequences.. 62:2505-2520. 2017
- Ultrasound elastography assessment of bone/soft tissue interface.. 61:131-150. 2016
- Resimulation of noise: a precision estimator for least square error curve-fitting tested for axial strain time constant imaging.. 60:3515-3529. 2015
- A direct vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque elasticity reconstruction method based on an original material-finite element formulation: theoretical framework.. 58:8457-8476. 2013
- Characterization of controlled bone defects using 2D and 3D ultrasound imaging techniques.. 55:4839-4859. 2010
- On the potential of a new IVUS elasticity modulus imaging approach for detecting vulnerable atherosclerotic coronary plaques: in vitro vessel phantom study.. 55:5701-5721. 2010
- A framework for evaluation of deformable image registration spatial accuracy using large landmark point sets.. 54:1849-1870. 2009
- The feasibility of using poroelastographic techniques for distinguishing between normal and lymphedematous tissues in vivo.. 52:6525-6541. 2007
- The feasibility of estimating and imaging the mechanical behavior of poroelastic materials using axial strain elastography.. 52:3241-3259. 2007
- Assessing image quality in effective Poisson's ratio elastography and poroelastography: I.. 52:1303-1320. 2007
- Assessing image quality in effective Poisson's ratio elastography and poroelastography: II.. 52:1321-1333. 2007
- Resolution of axial shear strain elastography.. 51:5245-5257. 2006
- Analysis of a hybrid spectral strain estimation technique in elastography.. 51:197-209.
- Comparison of diffusion approximation and Monte Carlo based finite element models for simulating thermal responses to laser irradiation in discrete vessels.. 50:4075-4086.
- Effect of ambient humidity on light transmittance through skin phantoms during cryogen spray cooling.. 51:113-120.
- Effect of spurt duration on the heat transfer dynamics during cryogen spray cooling.. 48:2169-2181.
- Effects of mass flow rate and droplet velocity on surface heat flux during cryogen spray cooling.. 48:N1-N6.
- Experimental validation of acoustic radiation force induced shear wave interference patterns.. 57:21-30.
- Heat-transfer dynamics during cryogen spray cooling of substrate at different initial temperatures.. 49:5295-5308.
- High-speed evaluation of track-structure Monte Carlo electron transport simulations.. 53:5539-5553.
- Image-guided focused ultrasound-mediated molecular delivery to breast cancer in an animal model.. 68:155012-155012.
- Influence of angle between the nozzle and skin surface on the heat flux and overall heat extraction during cryogen spray cooling.. 49:N147-N153.
- Intermittent cryogen spray cooling for optimal heat extraction during dermatologic laser treatment.. 47:3275-3288.
- Laser-assisted cryosurgery of prostate: numerical study.. 52:463-478.
- Quantitative sonoelastography for the in vivo assessment of skeletal muscle viscoelasticity.. 53:4063-4080.
- Radial and temporal variations in surface heat transfer during cryogen spray cooling.. 50:387-397.
- Three-dimensional visualization and improved quantification with super-resolution ultrasound imaging - validation framework for analysis of microvascular morphology using a chicken embryo model.. 66:085008-085008.
- Under Review: Investigation of the Influence of Medical Implants on Radiation Quality and Biological Effectiveness Using Microdosimetry