publication venue for
- Stern-Gerlach deflection of vector spatio-temporal soliton pairs in cold Rydberg gases. 251:168377-168377. 2022
- Cubic-quartic solitons in couplers with optical metamaterials having triple-power law nonlinearity (sequel to polynomial law). 250:168264-168264. 2022
- Family of optical solitons for perturbed Fokas-Lenells equation. 249:168224-168224. 2022
- Cubic-quartic solitons in couplers with optical metamaterials having polynomial law of nonlinearity. 248:168087-168087. 2021
- New control scheme for a class of two-dimensional Airy beams in free space. 245:167612-167612. 2021
- Solitons and conservation laws in magneto-optic waveguides with generalized Kudryashov's equation by the unified auxiliary equation approach. 245:167694-167694. 2021
- Optical solitons with Kudryashov's arbitrary form of refractive index and generalized non-local nonlinearity. 243:166723-166723. 2021
- Peakon and cuspon excitations in optical fibers for eighth order nonlinear Schrodinger's model. 243:167509-167509. 2021
- Detection of hydrogen concentration based on an all-fiber fluorescence intensity ratio optical thermometer with Er3+/Yb3+ codoped NaBi(WO4)2 phosphors. 242:167280-167280. 2021
- Solitons in nonlinear directional couplers with optical metamaterials by unified Riccati equation approach. 241:167244-167244. 2021
- Highly dispersive optical solitons and conservation laws with sextic-law of nonlinear refractive index. 240:166915-166915. 2021
- Cubic-quartic optical solitons with Kudryashov's arbitrary form of nonlinear refractive index. 238:166747-166747. 2021
- Optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings with dispersive reflectivity by sine-Gordon equation approach. 237:166684-166684. 2021
- Cubic-quartic optical soliton perturbation in polarization-preserving fibers with Fokas-Lenells equation. 234:166543-166543. 2021
- Cubic-quartic optical soliton perturbation with Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model. 233:166385-166385. 2021
- Optical soliton perturbation with dual forms of simple equation approach: A transparent comparison. 231:166455-166455. 2021
- Cubic-quartic optical solitons and conservation laws with Kudryashov's sextic power-law of refractive index. 227:166059-166059. 2021
- Gausson parameter dynamics in ENZ-material based waveguides using moment method. 227:165273-165273. 2021
- Optical soliton perturbation, with maximum intensity, having generalized Kudryashov's law of refractive index. 227:165328-165328. 2021
- Optical soliton perturbation with exotic forms of nonlinear refractive index. 223:165329-165329. 2020
- Pure-cubic optical soliton perturbation with full nonlinearity by unified Riccati equation expansion. 223:165445-165445. 2020
- Solitons in magneto-optic waveguides with generalized anti-cubic nonlinearity. 223:165456-165456. 2020
- Dark solitons in the inhomogeneous self-defocusing Kerr media. 222:165417-165417. 2020
- Pure-cubic optical soliton perturbation with full nonlinearity. 222:165394-165394. 2020
- Solitions in magneto-optic waveguides with anti-cubic nonlinearity.. 222:165313-165313. 2020
- Solitons in magneto-optic waveguides with parabolic law nonlinearity. 222:165314-165314. 2020
- Highly dispersive optical solitons in birefringent fibers with four forms of nonlinear refractive index by three prolific integration schemes. 220:165039-165039. 2020
- Optical soliton perturbation with Chen-Lee-Liu equation. 220:165177-165177. 2020
- Optical solitons with Sasa-Satsuma equation. 219:165183-165183. 2020
- Solitons in nonlinear directional couplers with optical metamaterials by first integral method. 218:165208-165208. 2020
- Optical solitons and other solutions to Kudryashov's equation with three innovative integration norms. 211:164431-164431. 2020
- Exhibit of highly dispersive optical solitons in birefringent fibers with four forms of nonlinear refractive index by exp-function expansion. 208:164471-164471. 2020
- Optical solitons with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation having a plethora of nonlinear forms with a couple of improved integration norms. 207:163804-163804. 2020
- Optical solitons with fiber Bragg gratings and dispersive reflectivity having parabolic-nonlocal combo nonlinearity via three prolific integration architectures. 208:164065-164065. 2020
- Chirped and chirp-free optical solitons having generalized anti-cubic nonlinearity with a few cutting-edge integration technologies. 206:163745-163745. 2020
- Chirped super-Gaussian and super-sech pulse parameter dynamics with DWDM topology by variational principle. 206:164344-164344. 2020
- Highly dispersive optical soliton perturbation with quadratic-cubic refractive index by semi-inverse variational principle. 206:163621-163621. 2020
- Optical solitons with generalized anti-cubic nonlinearity by Lie symmetry. 206:163638-163638. 2020
- Chirped and chirp-free optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings having dispersive reflectivity with polynomial form of nonlinearity using sub-ODE approach. 204:164096-164096. 2020
- Conservation laws for optical solitons with polynomial and triple-power laws of refractive index. 202:163476-163476. 2020
- Cubic-quartic optical solitons in birefringent fibers with four forms of nonlinear refractive index. 203:163885-163885. 2020
- Dispersive optical dromions and domain walls with a few golden integration formulae. 202:163439-163439. 2020
- Localized dynamical behavior in the (2+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon equation. 204:164115-164115. 2020
- Optical solitons with Kudryashov's equation by extended trial function. 202:163290-163290. 2020
- Optical solitons with differential group delay for complex Ginzburg-Landau equation having Kerr and parabolic laws of refractive index. 202:163737-163737. 2020
- Sequel to highly dispersive optical soliton perturbation with cubic-quintic-septic refractive index by semi-inverse variational principle. 203:163451-163451. 2020
- Solitons in the two-dimensional fractional Schrodinger equation with radially symmetric PT potential. 202:163652-163652. 2020
- Optical solitons in birefringent fibers with Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model by the aid of a few insightful algorithms. 200:163281-163281. 2020
- Conservation laws for highly dispersive optical solitons. 199:163283-163283. 2019
- Dispersive solitons in optical fibers and DWDM networks with Schrodinger-Hirota equation. 199:163214-163214. 2019
- New traveling wave and soliton solutions of the sine-Gordon equation with a variable coefficient. 198:163247-163247. 2019
- Nonlinear control of spatial Thirring vector solitons in electromagnetically induced transparency. 193:163029-163029. 2019
- Highly dispersive optical solitons with quadratic-cubic law by exp-function. 186:431-435. 2019
- Optical solitons in birefringent fibers haying anti-cubic nonlinearity with exp-function. 186:363-368. 2019
- Cubic-quartic optical soliton perturbation by semi-inverse variational principle. 185:45-49. 2019
- Optical solitons having anti-cubic nonlinearity with strategically sound integration architectures. 185:57-70. 2019
- Optical solitons in birefringent fibers having anti-cubic nonlinearity with extended trial function. 185:456-463. 2019
- Optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings with dispersive reflectivity for quadratic cubic nonlinearity by extended trial function method. 185:50-56. 2019
- Generation of spatiotemporal Airy-Bessel wave packets. 183:441-444. 2019
- Optical solitons for Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model by Riccati equation approach. 182:922-929. 2019
- Bright optical solitons of Chen-Lee-Liu equation with improved Adomian decomposition method. 181:964-970. 2019
- Resonant optical solitons with fractional temporal evolution by modified extended direct algebraic method. 181:1075-1079. 2019
- Chirped and chirp-free optical solitons with generalized anti-cubic nonlinearity by extended trial function scheme. 178:636-644. 2019
- Chirped singular and combo optical solitons for Chen-Lee-Liu equation with three forms of integration architecture. 178:172-177. 2019
- Dispersive solitons in optical metamaterials having parabolic form of nonlinearity. 179:1009-1018. 2019
- Optical solitons for higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger's equation with three exotic integration architectures. 179:861-866. 2019
- Optical solitons in birefringent fibers with Kundu-Eckhaus equation. 178:550-556. 2019
- Optical solitons in birefringent fibers with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity by extended Jacobi's elliptic function expansion. 178:117-121. 2019
- Pressure dependence of high order harmonic generation in nitrogen molecular gas and atmospheric air. 179:994-1000. 2019
- Solitons in nonlinear directional couplers with optical metamaterials by exp(- ())-expansion. 179:443-462. 2019
- Stochastic perturbation of optical Gaussons with bandpass filters and multi-photon absorption. 178:297-300. 2019
- Stochastic perturbation of optical solitons having anti-cubic nonlinearity with bandpass filters and multi-photon absorption. 178:1120-1124. 2019
- Chirped envelope optical solitons for Kaup-Newell equation. 177:1-7. 2019
- Optical solitons in birefringent fibers with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity by extended trial function scheme. 176:542-548. 2019
- Chirped singular and combo optical solitons for Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation using three integration forms. 172:144-149. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with Kundu-Eckhaus equation by exp (-())-expansion scheme and G/G2-expansion method. 172:79-85. 2018
- Optical soliton solutions to Fokas-lenells equation using some different methods. 173:21-31. 2018
- Sequel to stationary optical solitons with nonlinear group velocity dispersion by extended trial function scheme. 172:636-650. 2018
- Sub pico-second chirp-free optical solitons with Kaup-Newell equation using a couple of strategic algorithms. 172:766-771. 2018
- Optical solitons with polarization mode dispersion for Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model by the method of undetermined coefficients. 171:114-119. 2018
- Stationary optical solitons with nonlinear group velocity dispersion by extended trial function scheme. 171:529-542. 2018
- Chirped dispersive bright and singular optical solitons with Schrodinger-Hirota equation. 168:192-195. 2018
- Optical solitons with differential group delay and four-wave mixing using two integration procedures. 167:170-188. 2018
- Sub pico-second pulses in mono-mode optical fibers with Kaup-Newell equation by a couple of integration schemes. 167:121-128. 2018
- Mitigating Internet bottleneck with fractional temporal evolution of optical solitons having quadratic-cubic nonlinearity. 164:84-92. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation of Fokas-Lenells equation with two integration schemes. 165:111-116. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with Fokas-Lenells equation using three exotic and efficient integration schemes. 165:288-294. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with fractional temporal evolution by generalized Kudryashov's method. 164:303-310. 2018
- Optical solitons having weak non-local nonlinearity by two integration schemes. 164:380-384. 2018
- Optical solitons with differential group delay for coupled Fokas-Lenells equation using two integration schemes. 165:74-86. 2018
- Resonant optical solitons with dual-power law nonlinearity and fractional temporal evolution. 165:233-239. 2018
- Solitons in optical metamaterials having parabolic law nonlinearity with detuning effect and Raman scattering. 164:606-609. 2018
- Dispersive optical solitons with Schrodinger-Hirota model by trial equation method. 162:35-41. 2018
- Dispersive optical solitons with differential group delay by a couple of integration schemes. 162:108-120. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation for Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation with a couple of integration schemes. 163:126-136. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation by Lie group analysis. 163:137-141. 2018
- Optical solitons in parabolic law medium with weak non-local nonlinearity by extended trial function method. 163:56-61. 2018
- Optical solitons with Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model by modified extended direct algebraic method. 162:228-236. 2018
- Optical solitons with modified extended direct algebraic method for quadratic-cubic nonlinearity. 162:161-171. 2018
- Chirped solitons in optical metamaterials with parabolic law nonlinearity by extended trial function method. 160:92-99. 2018
- Hamiltonian perturbation of optical solitons with parabolic law nonlinearity using three integration methodologies. 160:248-254. 2018
- Optical network topology with DWDM technology for log law medium. 160:353-360. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation using trial solution approach. 160:44-60. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with fractional temporal evolution by extended G/G-expansion method. 161:301-320. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with full nonlinearity for Kundu-Eckhaus equation by extended trial function scheme. 160:17-23. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with resonant nonlinear Schrodinger's equation having full nonlinearity by modified simple equation method. 160:33-43. 2018
- Optical solitons and group invariant solutions to Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model in optical fibers and PCF. 160:86-91. 2018
- Optical solitons for Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model by modified simple equation method. 160:24-32. 2018
- Optical solitons in parabolic law medium with weak non-local nonlinearity using modified extended direct algebraic method. 161:180-186. 2018
- Optical solitons to Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model for three nonlinear forms. 160:197-202. 2018
- Optical solitons with differential group delay by trial equation method. 160:116-123. 2018
- Dispersive optical solitons with differential group delay by extended trial equation method. 158:790-798. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation for Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation by extended trial equation method. 158:747-752. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation for complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with modified simple equation method. 158:399-415. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with exotic non-Kerr law nonlinearities. 158:1370-1379. 2018
- Optical solitons with Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model using a couple of integration schemes. 158:705-711. 2018
- Chirped optical solitons of Chen-Lee-Liu equation by extended trial equation scheme. 156:999-1006. 2018
- Chirped singular solitons for Chen-Lee-Liu equation in optical fibers and PCF. 157:156-160. 2018
- Dark ring soliton in two-dimensional nonlinear self-defocusing medium. 156:447-452. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation by modified simple equation method. 157:1235-1240. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with full nonlinearity by trial equation method. 157:1366-1375. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with full nonlinearity for Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation by trial equation method. 157:1214-1218. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with full nonlinearity for Kundu-Eckhaus equation by modified simple equation method. 157:1376-1380. 2018
- Optical solitons for Gerdjikov-Ivanov model by extended trial equation scheme. 157:1241-1248. 2018
- Perturbed resonant 1-soliton solution with anti-cubic nonlinearity by Riccati-Bernoulli sub-ODE method. 156:346-350. 2018
- Resonant optical soliton perturbation with anti-cubic nonlinearity by extended trial function method. 156:784-790. 2018
- Chirped dark and gray solitons for Chen-Lee-Liu equation in optical fibers and PCF. 155:329-333. 2018
- Gray and black optical solitons with quintic nonlinearity. 154:354-359. 2018
- Novel singular solitons in optical metamaterials for self-steepening effect. 154:545-550. 2018
- Optical solitons and conservation law of Kundu-Eckhaus equation. 154:551-557. 2018
- Optical soliton perturbation with fractional temporal evolution by extended G'/G-expansion method. 161:301-320. 2018
- Conservation laws for cubic-quartic optical solitons in Kerr and power law media. 145:650-654. 2017
- Cubic-quartic optical solitons in Kerr and power law media. 144:357-362. 2017
- Dipole solitons in an extended nonlinear Schrodinger's equation with higher-order even and odd terms. 145:644-649. 2017
- Optical solitons for Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model with spatio-temporal dispersion using the method of undetermined coefficients. 144:115-123. 2017
- Parallel propagation of dispersive optical solitons by extended trial equation method. 144:565-572. 2017
- Resonant 1-soliton solution in anti-cubic nonlinear medium with perturbations. 145:14-17. 2017
- Resonant optical solitons with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity by semi-inverse variational principle. 145:18-21. 2017
- Chirped optical solitons in nano optical fibers with dual-power law nonlinearity. 142:77-81. 2017
- Optical soliton perturbation with anti-cubic nonlinearity by semi-inverse variational principle. 143:131-134. 2017
- Perturbation theory and optical soliton cooling with anti-cubic nonlinearity. 142:73-76. 2017
- Optical solitons in DWDM system by extended trial equation method. 141:157-167. 2017
- Optical solitons with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity by semi-inverse variational principle. 139:16-19. 2017
- Dark and singular dispersive optical solitons of Schrodinger-Hirota equation by modified simple equation method. 136:445-450. 2017
- Dispersive optical solitons with Schrodinger-Hirota equation by extended trial equation method. 136:451-461. 2017
- Dispersive optical solitons in DWDM systems. 132:210-215. 2017
- Dark and singular optical solitons with spatio-temporal dispersion using modified simple equation method. 130:324-331. 2017
- Bright optical solitons with Kerr law nonlinearity and fifth order dispersion. 128:172-177. 2017
- Dipole solitons in optical metamaterials with Kerr law nonlinearity. 128:71-76. 2017
- Optical solitons and conservation laws with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity. 128:63-70. 2017
- Topological and singular soliton solution to Kundu-Eckhaus equation with extended Kudryashov's method. 128:57-62. 2017
- Conservation laws for optical solitons in birefringent fibers and magneto-optic waveguides. 127:11662-11673. 2016
- Optical solitons and conservation laws with anti-cubic nonlinearity. 127:12056-12062. 2016
- Optical solitons in birefringent fibers by extended trial equation method. 127:11311-11325. 2016
- Optical solitons with higher order dispersions in parabolic law medium by trial solution approach. 127:11306-11310. 2016
- Soliton solutions to resonant nonlinear schrodinger's equation with time-dependent coefficients by modified simple equation method. 127:11450-11459. 2016
- Optical soliton perturbation with fractional-temporal evolution by first integral method with conformable fractional derivatives. 127:10659-10669. 2016
- Solitons in optical metamaterials with fractional temporal evolution. 127:10879-10897. 2016
- Singular optical solitons in birefringent nano-fibers. 127:8995-9000. 2016
- Optical solitons in nano-fibers with spatio-temporal dispersion by trial solution method. 127:7250-7257. 2016
- Periodic soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with variable nonlinearity and external parabolic potential. 124:2397-2400. 2013
- Computer-aided aberration compensation in optical system assembly. 124:1930-1935. 2013