publication venue for
- Defects quantification of additively manufactured AISI 316L stainless steel parts via non-destructive analyses: Experiments and semi-FEM-analytical-based modeling. 174:110684-110684. 2024
- A computational study for understanding the effect of various parameters on the performance of three different CI(G)Se-based thin film solar cells. 169:110102-110102. 2024
- Generation of mid-infrared vortex beams by 3-D printed polymer phase plates. 156:108509-108509. 2022
- Generation of bound solitons in a mode- locked Tm-doped fiber laser based on a graded-index multimode fiber saturable absorber. 149:107865-107865. 2022
- Sensitization mechanism of Bi/Nd co-doped germanosilicate glass for infrared applications. 130:106346-106346. 2020
- Optimization of ultrafast laser parameters for 3D micromachining of fused silica. 123:105933-105933. 2020
- Self-starting mode-locked Tm-doped fiber laser using a hybrid structure of no core - graded index multimode fiber as the saturable absorber. 113:317-321. 2019
- Broadband 2m emission characteristics and energy transfer mechanism of Ho3+ doped silicate-germanate glass sensitized by Tm3+ ions. 111:115-120. 2019
- Ho3/Tm3+ codoped lead silicate glass for 2 m laser materials. 97:364-369. 2017
- Efficient 2 m emission in Nd3+/Ho3+ co-doped silicate-germanate glass pumped by common 808 nm LD. 89:108-113. 2017
- Design and fabrication of AlGaInP-based micro-light-emitting-diode array devices. 78:34-41. 2016
- [INVITED] Soliton propagation through nanoscale waveguides in optical metamaterials. 77:177-186. 2016
- Fabrication and analysis of tall-stepped mirror for use in static Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. 75:6-12. 2015
- Application of a pulsed OPO seeded by a CW OPO to investigation of linewidth effects on TALIF excitation efficiency. 144:107370-107370.
- Bubble dynamics of laser-induced cavitation in plasmonic gold nanorod solutions and the relative effect of surface tension and viscosity. 134:106621-106621.
- Second-harmonic generation of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation of solids in liquids. 99:118-123.