publication venue for
- A high-order meshless Galerkin method for semilinear parabolic equations on spheres. 142:383-419. 2019
- Numerical approximation of the integral fractional Laplacian. 142:235-278. 2019
- Convergence and quasi-optimality of adaptive finite element methods for harmonic forms. 136:941-971. 2017
- Quasi-optimality of adaptive finite element methods for controlling local energy errors. 134:27-60. 2016
- Maximum-norm a posteriori error estimates for singularly perturbed elliptic reaction-diffusion problems. 133:707-742. 2016
- An analysis of the Rayleigh-Stokes problem for a generalized second-grade fluid.. 131:1-31. 2015
- Kernel based quadrature on spheres and other homogeneous spaces. 127:57-92. 2014
- Time-discrete higher order ALE formulations: a priori error analysis. 125:225-257. 2013
- Convergence and quasi-optimality of an adaptive finite element method for controlling L2 errors. 117:185-218. 2011
- Allometry constants of finite-dimensional spaces: theory and computations. 112:535-564. 2009
- L-1-minimization methods for Hamilton-Jacobi equations: the one-dimensional case. 109:269-284. 2008
- Mathematical and numerical analysis of a simplified time-dependent viscoelastic flow. 107:213-255. 2007
- One-sided stability and convergence of the Nessyahu-Tadmor scheme. 104:539-559. 2006
- Adaptive Finite Element Methods with convergence rates. 97:219-268. 2004
- Almost optimal interior penalty discontinuous approximations of symmetric elliptic problems on non-matching grids. 96:295-315. 2003
- Multiscale finite element for problems with highly oscillatory coefficients. 90:459-486. 2002
- A third-order semi-discrete genuinely multidimensional central scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws and related problems. 88:683-729. 2001
- Efficient methods using high accuracy approximate inertial manifolds. 87:523-554. 2001
- Numerical integration over a disc. A new Gaussian quadrature formula. 80:39-59. 1998
- Superconvergence of mixed finite element methods for parabolic problems with nonsmooth initial data. 78:495-521. 1998
- On monotone extensions of boundary data. 60:477-492. 1991
- Nonlinear eigenvalue approximation. 52:365-375. 1988