publication venue for
- The Personality Assessment Inventory in U.S. Case Law: A Survey and Examination of Relevance to Legal Proceedings.. 104:179-191. 2022
- Development and Validation of a Validity Scale for Use with the UPPS-P and Short UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scales.. 103:752-761. 2021
- Detecting Feigning in Adolescents on the Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent Form.. 102:751-757. 2020
- Criterion A of the AMPD in HiTOP.. 101:345-355. 2019
- Validity of the DSM-5 Levels of Personality Functioning Scale-Self Report.. 100:650-659. 2018
- Evaluation of the PAI-A Anxiety and Depression Scales: Evidence of Construct Validity.. 100:313-320. 2018
- A Statistical Consideration Regarding the Threshold of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised.. 99:494-502. 2017
- Triarchic Model Personality Traits and Their Impact on Mock Juror Perceptions of a White-Collar Criminal Defendant.. 99:453-464. 2017
- Therapeutic Assessment in Psychological Triage Using the PAI.. 98:374-381. 2016
- Predicting law enforcement officer job performance with the Personality Assessment Inventory.. 94:254-261. 2012
- Assessing the external correlates of alternative factor models of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-short form across three samples.. 93:244-256. 2011
- Toward a model for assessing level of personality functioning in DSM-5, part I: a review of theory and methods.. 93:332-346. 2011
- Toward a model for assessing level of personality functioning in DSM-5, part II: empirical articulation of a core dimension of personality pathology.. 93:347-353. 2011
- A case law survey of the Personality Assessment Inventory: examining its role in civil and criminal trials.. 90:300-303. 2008
- Extratest validity of selected personality assessment inventory scales and indicators in an inpatient substance abuse setting.. 90:574-577. 2008
- Predicting the completion of an integrative and intensive outpatient chronic pain treatment with the personality assessment inventory.. 90:76-80. 2008
- Recovery and replication of internalizing and externalizing dimensions within the personality assessment inventory.. 90:585-592. 2008
- Belief in an unjust world: when beliefs in a just world fail.. 89:126-135. 2007
- Detection of malingering in psychiatric unit and general population prison inmates: a comparison of the PAI, SIMS, and SIRS.. 88:33-42. 2007
- Malingering on the Personality Assessment Inventory: identification of specific feigned disorders.. 88:43-48. 2007
- Resilient, undercontrolled, and overcontrolled personality prototypes among persons with spinal cord injury.. 89:292-302. 2007
- Risk factors for institutional misconduct among incarcerated women: an examination of the criterion-related validity of the Personality Assessment Inventory.. 88:106-117. 2007
- Factors differentiating successful versus unsuccessful malingerers.. 77:333-338. 2001
- Susceptibility of the trauma symptom inventory to malingering.. 71:379-392. 1998
- Detection of feigned mental disorders on the personality assessment inventory: a discriminant analysis.. 67:629-640. 1996
- Selective responsiveness of chronically ill children to assessments of depression.. 59:605-615. 1992
- The factor analytic structure of the Roberts Apperception Test for Children: a comparison of the standardization sample with a sample of chronically ill children.. 56:414-425. 1991
- An examination of the stability of the MMPI Personality Disorder Scales.. 54:16-23. 1990
- MMPI scales for DSM-III personality disorders: their derivation and correlates.. 49:245-251. 1985
- An adjustment for protocol length in Rorschach scoring.. 46:338-340. 1982
- Development of an Inconsistent Responding Scale for the Big Five Inventory-2.. ahead-of-print:1-8.