publication venue for
- Optimal Geodesic Curvature Constrained Dubins' Paths on a Sphere. 197:966-992. 2023
- Low-Thrust Transfers to Southern L-2 Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbits Facilitated by Invariant Manifolds. 191:517-544. 2021
- Measuring Efficiency in Imperfectly Competitive Markets: An Example of Rational Inefficiency. 164:702-722. 2015
- Interactive Diffusions for Global Optimization. 163:491-509. 2014
- Existence of Solution of Minimax Inequalities, Equilibria in Games and Fixed Points Without Convexity and Compactness Assumptions. 157:75-95. 2013
- Forecast horizons for a class of dynamic games. 122:471-486. 2004
- On the chromatic number of graphs. 109:51-67. 2001
- Markov perfect equilibrium existence for a class of undiscounted infinite-horizon dynamic games. 106:421-429. 2000
- New Linear Program Performance Bounds for Queueing Networks. 100:575-597. 1999
- Alternating convex projection methods for discrete-time covariance control design. 88:399-432. 1996
- Extension of the Zorn lemma to general nontransitive binary relations. 80:333-347. 1994
- Generalized KKM theorems, minimax inequalities, and their applications. 83:375-389. 1994
- Optimal damping ratio for linear second-order systems. 73:563-576. 1992
- Suboptimal shape control for quasi-static distributed-parameter systems. 55:403-416. 1987
- Optimal quasi-static shape control for large aerospace antennae. 46:153-170. 1985
- Suboptimality and stability of linear distributed-parameter systems with finite-dimensional controllers. 45:1-19. 1985
- A differential game with jump process observations. 31:219-231. 1980
- Authors' reply to B. Paiewonsky and P. Woodrow. 7:321-322. 1971
- Minimum-time orbital rendezvous between neighboring elliptic orbits. 4:260-276. 1969