publication venue for
- Computation of Filament Winding Paths with Concavities and Friction. 141:103089-103089. 2021
- Latent Embedded Graphs for Image and Shape Interpolation. 140:103091-103091. 2021
- A Hardware-adaptive Deep Feature Matching Pipeline for Real-time 3D Reconstruction. 132:102984-102984. 2021
- SPM 2020 Editorial.. 127:102909-102909. 2020
- Sparse3D: A new global model for matching sparse RGB-D dataset with small inter-frame overlap. 102:33-43. 2018
- Distributed poly-square mapping for large-scale semi-structured quad mesh generation. 90:5-17. 2017
- Geometry-aware partitioning of complex domains for parallel quad meshing. 85:20-33. 2017
- A multi-frame graph matching algorithm for low-bandwidth RGB-D SLAM. 78:107-117. 2016
- Statistical geometric computation on tolerances for dimensioning. 70:193-201. 2016
- Untitled. 70:1-2. 2016
- A gesture-free geometric approach for mid-air expression of design intent in 3D virtual pottery. 69:11-24. 2015
- Extended 3D annotations as a new mechanism to explicitly communicate geometric design intent and increase CAD model reusability. 57:61-73. 2014
- Geometric computation and optimization on tolerance dimensioning. 46:129-137. 2014
- Optimizing polycube domain construction for hexahedral remeshing. 46:58-68. 2014
- Fast approximate convex decomposition using relative concavity. 45:494-504. 2013
- Shape-It-Up: Hand gesture based creative expression of 3D shapes using intelligent generalized cylinders. 45:277-287. 2013
- Analyzing the effect of alternative goals and model attributes on CAD model creation and alteration. 44:343-353. 2012
- A vision modeling framework for DHM using geometrically estimated FoV. 44:15-28. 2012
- Inference-based procedural modeling of solids. 43:1391-1401. 2011
- Positive Gordon-Wixom coordinates. 43:1422-1426. 2011
- Guest Editors Introduction to Special Issue: Selected papers from Solid and Physical Modeling 2010. 43:1211-1212. 2011
- Theory and practice of geometric and physical modeling. 43:739-740. 2011
- Collaborative intelligent CAD framework incorporating design history tracking algorithm. 42:1125-1142. 2010
- Physical sketching: Reconstruction and analysis of 3D objects from freehand sketches. 41:147-158. 2009
- Multi-attribute utility analysis in set-based conceptual design. 41:214-227. 2009
- J-splines. 40:1024-1032. 2008
- Polycube splines. 40:721-733. 2008
- Teaching computer game design and construction. 36:1501-1510. 2004
- Turtle geometry in computer graphics and computer-aided design. 36:1471-1482. 2004
- Efficient and exact manipulation of algebraic points and curves. 32:649-662. 2000
- Modeling and analysis of origami structures with smooth folds 2016
- Fast and robust Booleans on polyhedra 2013
- Parameterization and applications of Catmull-Rom curves 2011
- ESOLIDa system for exact boundary evaluation 2004