Institutional Repository Document
"Aligning a Medical Science Library's Instructional Vision for Local Professional Health Programs Curricula Using the Steps of Evidence-Based Practice" recorded talk
"Architect friendly": A comparison of ten different building performance simulation tools
"Conformational dynamics of C1r inhibitor proteins from Lyme disease and relapsing fever spirochetes".
"Evaluation of Thermal and Visual Comfort in University Classrooms: The Cases of Two LEED Silver Certified Buildings on the Campus of Texas A&M University
"Gravitational mass" of information?
"I Didn't Know What to Expect or What to Do: Impacts of a Severe Winter Storm on Residents of Subsidized Housing in Texas
"Quantum supremacy" revisited: Low-complexity, deterministic solutions of the original Deutsch-Jozsa problem in classical physical systems
"The sharpest part of my skeleton": Digital Surrealism, Weird Posthumanism, and Performing Theory.
"This is OUR Story: Wonder Woman Historia, History, and the Evolving Nature of the Amazons.
"Zine Preservation", chapter in Zines in Libraries: Selecting, Purchasing, and Processing
$()$-distortion of some infinite graphs
$(\beta)$-distortion of some infinite graphs
$\beta$-decay of $^{61}$V and its Role in Cooling Accreted Neutron Star Crusts
m Ba}(d,alpha)$ study of states in $^{136}{
m Cs}$: Implications for new physics searches with xenon detectors
$C^{0,alpha}$ boundary regularity for the pressure in weak solutions of the $2d$ Euler equations
$G$-crossed braided zesting
$J/Psi$ suppression in nuclear collisions at SPS energies
$L^{2}$-Sobolev theory for the complex Green operator
$L_1$-distortion of Wasserstein metrics: a tale of two dimensions
$N=1$ Superstring in $2+2$ Dimensions
$SO(N)_2$ Braid group representations are Gaussian
$T$-depth-optimized Quantum Search with Quantum Data-access Machine
'Blame the Archive: Attracting Fans and Fanworks to Libraries and Archives
(Im)Patience Among Adolescents: A Methodological Note
-Aminooxyacetic acid derivatives acting as pro-drugs against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
20 T dipoles and Bi-2212: the path to LHC energy upgrade
2017 Quality Indicators for Journals of Medical Education Scholarship
2D and 3D reconstructions in acousto-electric tomography
2D Rigid Benzoxazole-Linked Covalent Organic Framework Films with High-Strength, High-Modulus Mechanical Behavior
3D Image Reconstruction from Compton camera data