NSF Materials World Network: Quantum Phenomena In Atomic Hydrogen Stabilized In Solid Molecular Hydrogen
NSF Rapid: Urgent sampling zooplankton for assessing ecosystem restoration of G alveston Bay after catastrophic impacts of Hurricane Harvey
NSF REU Site: AERO-U: Aerospace Engineering Research Opportunities for Undergraduates
NSF REU Site: AERO-U: Aerospace Engineering Research Opportunities for Undergraduates
NSF Reu Site: Atmospheric Sciences In the Gulf Coast Region At Texas A&M Univeristy
NSF SBP: 1658758 Collaborative Research: Gender Discrimination in Hiring for STEM Graduates ($465,523)
NSF SII Planning: National Center for Spectrum Innovation
NSF SMA SBE: 1560106 REU Site: Cyber-Health GIS – Multidisciplinary Research Experiences in Spatial Dynamics of Health Project ($344,674)
NSF Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing Needs for the Oil and Gas Energy Sector-
NSF-Analytic Number Theory and Periods of Automorphic Forms
NSF-Arithmetic and Transcendence of Values of Special Functions
NSF-BSF: Quantum Optical Machines Powered by Heat and Information from Ideas to Experiments on Performance Bounds
NSF-Collaborative Research: Charge Transport In Confined Molecular Assemblies
NSF-Collaborative Research: Osmoregulation In Marine Dinoflagellates
NSF-Collaborative Reserach: Constraining Rates of C-O Bond Reordering In Biogenic Calcite: Implications for Clumped Isotope
NSF-Free Probability, Polynomial Families, and Applications
NSF-Research In Finite Von Neumann Algebras
NSF-S-Stem Geological and Geophysical Scholars of Continental Margins
NSF-S-Stem: Expanding Opportunities Through the Science Scholars Program
NSF-S-Stem: Geoscience Scholars
NSF-Wire-Like and Gyroscope-Like Organometallic Complexes
NSF-Workshop In Analysis and Probability
NSF: Collaborative Research: Deformation Thermometry and Water Weakening of Quartz Tectonites-Case Studies From the Himalaya
NSF: the Effect of Model Uncertainty and Erro On the Forecast Uncertainty
NSFDEB-NERC: Integrating phylogenomics, biophysics, and functional genomics to unravel the evolution of hearing and singing in Ensifera (katydids, crickets and relatives)
Nuclear Dysfunction in Cancer: The Role of Mechanical Stresses Transmitted by the LINC Complex
Nuclear Safeguards Education Outreach Through the Nuclear Safeguards Education Portal and the Nuclear Facilities Experience
Nuclear Science Center Reactor Upgrades
Nuclear Security Culture Development in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Other Selected Countries Through Academic Engagements