Novel strategies for killing mosquito disease vectors
Novel strategies for plant-derived anticancer agents (U01/U19 CA 52956)
Novel superoxide dismutase pathways
NR4A1 Antagonists Inhibit Colorectal Cancer Growth and Enhance Immune Surveillance
NRC Faculty Development Grant Program
NRI: A Model based Approach to Distributed Adaptive Sampling of Spatio-Temporally varying Fields
NRI: Collaborative Research: Minimally Invasive Robotic Non-Destructive Evaluation and Rehabilitation for Bridge Decks (Bridge-MINDER)
NRI: Collaborative Research: Targeted Observation of Severe Local Storms Using Aerial Robots
NRI: Collaborative Visual Assistant for Robot Operations in Unstructured or Confined Environments
NRI: Collaborative: Exploiting Granular Mechanics to Enable Robotic Locomotion
NRI: INT: COLLAB: Leveraging Environmental Monitoring UAS in Rainforests
NRI: INT: Optoacoustic Material and Structure Pretouch Sensing at Robot Fingertip
NRS / NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program - 2014-( Prev title: Nasa-Earth and Space Science Fellowship 2012)
NRT-DESE: Data-Enabled Discovery and Design of Energy Materials
NSDL Service to Manage Distributed Collections
NSF - Division of Earth Sciences 1948660 Collaborative Research: Community tools for automated paleoenvironmental interpretation from sedimentary field data ($897,739) TAMU PIs Ryan Ewing and Tracy Hammond ($589,480), Penn State PI: Liz Hajek ($308,359)
NSF - DMS 855349
NSF CHS CreativeIT 0757557, Pilot: Let Your Notes Come Alive: The SkRUI Classroom Sketchbook ($247,000)
NSF Collaborative Research: Ultrashort Pulse Generation and Mid-Infrared Frequency Combs From Quantum Cascade Lasers
NSF Convergence Accelerator Track E: Combining Global High-Resolution Climate Simulations With Ocean Biogeochemistry, Fisheries and Decision-Making Models to Improve Sustainable Fisheries
NSF DMS-2113768 - Robust Statistical Inference in Large Scale Semi-Supervised Settings
NSF DUE 1726306 Enhancing Visualization Skills and Conceptual Understanding Using a Drawing-Recognition Tutoring System for Engineering Students ($1,814,400)
NSF DUE/CCLI 0942400, Sketched-Truss Recognition Tutoring System ($199,769)
NSF EEC 0935219, Civil Engineering Sketch Workbook ($400,000)
NSF EEC 1129525: Collaborative Research: Enabling Instructors to Teach Statics Actively ($540,970)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
NSF I/UCRC Next Generation Photovoltaics (NGPV) Center
NSF IIP 1546906 I-Corps: Evaluating the Market Potential of the Mechanix Sketch Recognition Software ($50,000)
NSF IIS CHS 0744150: Developing Perception-based Geometric Primitive-shape and Constraint Recognizers to Empower Instructors to Build Sketch Systems in the Classroom ($149,858)
NSF IIS Cyberlearning 1441331: EXP: Collaborative Research: PerSketchTivity- Empowering and Inspiring Creative, Competent, Communicative, and Effective Engineers through Perspective Sketching (collaborative with Georgia Tech) ($613,055)