Academic Article
A Comprehensive Reservoir Simulator for Unconventional Reservoirs That Is Based on the Fast Marching Method and Diffusive Time of Flight
A comprehensive review of challenges and advances in exosome-based drug delivery systems.
A comprehensive review of hydrodynamic studies on fish schooling.
A comprehensive review of membrane fouling and cleaning methods with emphasis on ultrasound-assisted fouling control processes
A Comprehensive Review of Multimarket Competition Research
A comprehensive review of occupational and general population cancer risk: 1,3-Butadiene exposure-response modeling for all leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, myeloid neoplasm and lymphoid neoplasm.
A comprehensive review of recent developments in falling-film, spray, bubble and microchannel absorbers for absorption systems
A Comprehensive Review of Salt Hydrates as Phase Change Materials (PCMs).
A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence of the Impact of Surface Water Quality on Property Values
A comprehensive review of thermo-physical properties and convective heat transfer to nanofluids
A comprehensive review of Vibrio vulnificus: an important cause of severe sepsis and skin and soft-tissue infection.
A Comprehensive Review on Structural Topologies, Power Levels, Energy Storage Systems, and Standards for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Their Impacts on Grid
A comprehensive skin-factor model of horizontal-well completion performance
A Comprehensive Structure-Function Analysis of Arabidopsis SNI1 Defines Essential Regions and Transcriptional
A comprehensive structure-function analysis of Arabidopsis SNI1 defines essential regions and transcriptional repressor activity.
A Comprehensive Study of Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide as a Binder for Silicon Anodes.
A comprehensive study of sanding rate from a gas field: From reservoir to completion, production, and surface facilities
A comprehensive study of the use of a homologous promoter in antisense cotton lines exhibiting a high seed oleic acid phenotype.
A Comprehensive Study on Physical, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Filled by Micro- and Nanoglass Flakes
A Comprehensive Transcriptomic Analysis of Arsenic-Induced Bladder Carcinogenesis.
A comprehensive whole-genome integrated cytogenetic map for the alpaca (Lama pacos).
A Computable Plug-In Estimator of Minimum Volume Sets for Novelty Detection
A computation saving Jackknife approach to receptor model uncertainty statements for serially correlated data
A Computation-Efficient Decentralized Algorithm for Composite Constrained Optimization
A computational approach for achieving optimum daylight inside buildings through automated kinetic shading systems
A Computational Approach for Human-like Motion Generation in Upper Limb Exoskeletons Supporting Scapulohumeral Rhythms
A computational approach to characterize formation of a passivation layer in lithium metal anodes
A Computational Cardiac Model for the Adaptation to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Rat.
A computational finite element analysis for predicting the effects of environmental degradation on life in metal matrix composites