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- BIMS481 Seminar
- BIMS481 Seminar In Biomed Sci
- BIMS484 Biomed Field Experience
- BIMS484 Biomed Field Experience: In-ab
- BIMS485 Directed Studies
- BIMS489 Sptp: 21st Cent Biol Threats
- BIMS489 Sptp: Co-creation And Co-desig
- BIMS489 Sptp: Exercise Phys & Genetics
- BIMS489 Sptp: Exercise Phys And Gene
- BIMS489 Sptp: Intro Bioinformatics
- BIMS489 Sptp: Peer Teaching In Biomedi
- BIMS489 Sptp:exrcise Physiolgy&genetic
- BIMS491 Research
- BIMS491 Research
- BIMS602 Found Biomed Grad Edu & Res
- BIOC523 Extracellular Matrix
- BIOC545 Adv Molecular Biol & Genetics
- BIOE615 Bioeng Cardiac Surg - Rice/ibt
- BIOE620 Tissue Engineering - Rice/ibt
- BIOL100 Horizons In Biology
- BIOL102 Neuroscience Overview
- BIOL107 Zoology
- BIOL111 Hnr-introductory Biology I
- BIOL111 Introductory Biology I
- BIOL112 Hnr-introductory Biology Ii
- BIOL112 Introductory Biology Ii
- BIOL113 Essentials In Biology
- BIOL206 Intro Microbiology
- BIOL213 Hnr-molecular Cell Biol
- BIOL213 Hnr-molecular Cell Biol