Ab-initio aprroach to the electronic, structural, elastic, and finite-temperature thermodynamic properties of Ti2AX (A = Al or Ga and X = C or N)
Ab-initio calculations of the elastic and finite-temperature thermodynamic properties of niobium- and magnesium hydrides
Ager romanus at Messana?
An Inconvenient Truth and the scientists
An Inconvenient Truth: the scientific argument
anyFish: an open-source software to generate animated fish models for behavioural studies
Artemidorus' Oneirocritica. Text, Translation, and Commentary.
Bs-(B)over-bar-s mixing and its implication for bs transitions in supersymmetry
B0KS in supergravity models with CP violations -: art. no. 075008
Bad Timing and Ulysses's Failed Jokes
Boraras naevus, a new species of miniature and sexually dichromatic freshwater fish from peninsular Thailand (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae)
Brucella attenuation and relevance to vaccine properties
Bs +- in supersymmetric grand unified theories
C2-chiral dinucleating ligands with a 3,6-disubstituted pyridazine core
Carnegie Supernova Project-II: Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy to Determine the Location of the Outer 56Ni in Type Ia Supernovae
Carnegie Supernova Project-II: Near-infrared Spectroscopic Diversity of Type II Supernovae
Chelonoidis carbonaria (Testudines: Testudinidae) Activity Patterns and Burrow Use in the Bolivian Chaco
CP violating lepton asymmetry from B decays in supersymmetric grand unified theories
CP violating phases, nonuniversal soft breaking, and D-brane models -: art. no. 075010
D=7/D=6 heterotic supergravity with gauged R-symmetry
Deep Impact, Stardust-NExT and the behavior of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from 1997
Erdmannichthys, a new genus of Gobiesocidae (Teleostei: Gobiesociformes), and notes on the rare clingfish E. alorensis (Allen & Erdmann, 2012), new combination
Germaine de Stal: Crossing the Borders. Madelyn Gutwirth , Avriel Goldberger , Karyna SzmurloPoliticizing Gender: Narrative Strategies in the Aftermath of the French Revolution. Doris KadishTender Geographies: Women and the Origins of the Novel in France. Joan DeJean
Godzilliognomus schrami, a new species of Remipedia (Crustacea) from Eleuthera, Bahamas
h, p, k Least Squares Finite Element Processes for 1-D Helmholtz Equation
H2 Performance Analysis and Applications of 2-D Hidden Bernoulli Jump System
H Filtering for Neutral Systems With Mixed Delays and Multiplicative Noises
H filtering for two-dimensional systems with mixed time delays, randomly occurring saturations and nonlinearities
Housing Policy Debate Associate Editors and Editorial Advisory Board EDITORS' INTRODUCTION