Journal RDF
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- Addiction
- Addiction Biology
- Addiction Research & Theory
- Addiction Research and Theory
- Addictive Behaviors
- Addictive Behaviors Reports
- ADE Bulletin
- ADFL Bulletin
- Adhoc and Sensor Wireless Networks
- Adipocytes
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
- Administration and Society
- Administration in Social Work: the quarterly journal of human services management
- Administrative Issues Journal
- Administrative Law Review
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- Administrative Sciences
- Adolescence
- Adolescent Research Review
- Adoption & Culture
- Adoption and Culture
- Adoption Quarterly
- Adsorption
- Adsorption Science and Technology
- Adult Basic Education & Literacy Journal
- Adult Education Quarterly
- Adult Learning
- Advance for nurse practitioners
- Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology