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- Clinical research
- Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs
- Clinical research practices and drug regulatory affairs
- Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology
- Clinical Rheumatology
- Clinical Science
- Clinical Simulation in Nursing
- Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice
- Clinical Therapeutics: the international peer-reviewed journal of drug therapy
- Clinical Theriogenology
- Clinical Toxicology
- Clinical Transplantation
- Clinical Trials
- Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
- Clinics
- Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology
- Clinics in Geriatric Medicine
- Clinics in Laboratory Medicine
- Clinics in Plastic Surgery
- Clio (Ft. Wayne): a journal of literature, history, and the philosophy of history
- Cloning
- Clothing and Textiles Research Journal
- Cluster Computing
- CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences
- CMGH Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets
- CNS Drugs
- CNS Spectrums: the international journal of neuropsychiatric medicine
- Coastal Engineering