faculty position
- Agnor, Dottiedee, Instructional Associate Professor
- Armstrong, Carisa, Clinical Associate Professor
- Arrants, Courtlandt, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Baetge, Claire, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Baldwin, Janetta, Instructional Professor
- Baletka, Dawn, Instructional Asst Professor- Term Appt
- Ballard, Danny, Adjunct Professor - Term Appoint
- Ballouli, Khalid, Adjunct Assistant Professor - Term Appointment
- Barry, Adam, Professor
- Batista, Paul, Associate Professor
- Bedford, Diane, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Bennett, Gregg, Professor
- Bergeron, Christine, Clinical Professor
- Berthot, Patricia, Instructional Associate Professor
- Bloomfield, Susan, Professor
- Bosquez, Janet, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Boucher, Tony, Clinical Associate Professor
- Breithaupt, Charles, Visiting Professor
- Brekken Shea, Kirstin, Instructional Professor
- Brison, Natasha, Associate Professor
- Buchanan, John, Professor
- Campbell, August, Instructional Associate Professor
- Campbell, Kelli, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Carson, James, Professor
- Chapman, Denise, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Chatziefstathiou, Dikaia, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Chen, Lei-Shih, Associate Professor
- Coady, William, Instructional Associate Professor
- Colvin, Lisa, Clinical Associate Professor
- Crouse, Stephen, Professor
- Dixon, Marlene, Professor
- Dixon, Marlene, Department Head
- Dixon, Stuart, Instructional Associate Professor
- Ellis, Robert, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Elza, Susan, Visiting Professor
- Engelen, Marielle, Professor
- Fluckey, James, Professor
- Fulk, Craig, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Gabbard, Carl, Professor
- Garney, Whitney, Assistant Professor
- Gegg, Laura, Instructional Associate Professor
- Geyer, Becky, Professor of the Practice
- Gomez, Daniel, Instructional Associate Professor
- Gomez, Lorinda, Instructional Professor
- Goodson, Patricia, Professor
- Grant, Melinda, Instructional Professor
- Green, John, Clinical Professor
- Green, Lisa, Adjunct Assistant Professor - Term Appointment
- Greenwood, Lori, Clinical Professor
- Guidry, Jeffrey, Associate Professor
- Guinn, James, Instructional Asst Professor- Term Appt
- Hanik, Bruce, Instructional Associate Professor
- Hanik, Kathleen, Visiting Lecturer
- Hanik, Michael, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Heidtke, Jonathan, Professor of the Practice
- Henthorne, Mary, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Hudson, Shane, Clinical Associate Professor
- Janini Gomes, Mariana, Assistant Professor
- Jensen, Jonathan A., Associate Professor
- Johnson, Donald, Lecturer
- Kalbasi, Shaida, Instructional Asst Professor- Term Appt
- Keiper, Paul, Clinical Associate Professor
- Kennedy, Deanna, Associate Professor
- Kim, Min Jung, Assistant Professor
- Kniffin, Daniel, Instructional Professor
- Kreider, Richard, Professor and Head
- Kuppersmith, Nicole, Visiting Lecturer
- Lasota, Mark, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Lawler, John, Professor
- Lee, Hyun-Woo, Assistant Professor
- Lei, Yuming, Assistant Professor
- Lintz, Leah, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Locklear, Alyssa, Instructional Professor
- Mann, Bryan, Clinical Associate Professor
- Markowsky, Vicki, Instructional Professor
- Martin, Steven, Clinical Associate Professor
- McCullough, Brian, Associate Professor
- Mcneill, Elisa, Clinical Associate Professor
- Miller, Paula, Clinical Professor
- Morton, Aaron, Assistant Professor
- Muckleroy, Martha, Instructional Professor
- Mulkerrins, Martin, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Netherland, Beth, Instructional Associate Professor
- Nite, Calvin, Associate Professor
- Nordin, Andrew, Assistant Professor
- Penry, Jason, Professor of Practice
- Pittman, Andrew, Clinical Associate Professor
- Pooley, Alexandra, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Rahn, Rhonda, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Riechman, Steven, Associate Professor
- Salaga, Steven, Assistant Professor
- Sandlin, Michael, Clinical Associate Professor
- Schakel, David, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Shea, Charles, Senior Professor
- Singer, John, Associate Professor
- Slagel, Kristin, Instructional Associate Professor
- Soltis, Alison, Visiting Lecturer
- Springer, Daniel, Visiting Assistant Professor
- St. Louis, Patrick, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Sullins, Alex, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Szura, Jordan, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Templin, Mai Phuong, Instructional Asst Professor- Term Appt
- Thomas, Francis, Instructional Professor
- Thornton, Michael, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Tisone, Christine, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Tomchesson, Michael, Instructional Associate Professor
- Waltemyer, David, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Ward, Susan, Clinical Associate Professor
- Wenzel, Theresa, Instructional Associate Professor
- White-Springer, Sarah, Associate Professor
- Willingham, Kristen, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Wimer, Forest, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Wolfe, Joda, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Woodman, Christopher, Associate Professor
- Woosley, James, Instructional Professor
- Wright, David, Professor
- Wright, Scott, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Wylie, Wayne, Associate Professor
- Xiang, Ping, Professor
- Yentes, Jenna, Associate Professor
- Zimmer, Wendi, Clinical Assistant Professor
non-faculty academic position
- Kamal, Khaled, Assistant Research Scientist
- Luna, Saul, Athletic Trainer
- Simmons, Erin, Postdoctoral Researcher