selected publications academic article Withers, M. C., Lee, K. H., Bermiss, Y. S., & Boivie, S. (2024). Upper Echelon Employment: A Review of the Fundamental Questions Related to the Executive Labor Market. Journal of Management. 50(1), 71-121. Harrison, J. S., Boivie, S., & Withers, M. C. (2023). Executives' Prior Employment Ties to Interlocking Directors and Interfirm Mobility. Organization science. 34(4), 1602-1625. Dwivedi, P., Gee, I. H., Withers, M. C., & Boivie, S. (2023). No reason to leave: The effects of CEO diversity-valuing behavior on psychological safety and turnover for female executives. 108(7), 1262-1276. Hu, S., Gentry, R. J., Quigley, T. J., & Boivie, S. (2023). Who's in the Driver's Seat? Exploring Firm-Level vs. CEO-Level Effects on Problemistic Search. 49(4), 1187-1212. Yonish, L., Sabey, T., Boivie, S., & Klotz, A. (2022). The Greed-Based Path From CEO Compensation to Job Seekers Perceptions. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2022(1), Paik, E. T., Pollock, T. G., Boivie, S., Lange, D., & Lee, P. M. (2022). A Star Is Born: The Relationship Between Performance and Achieving Status Through Certification Contests in the Context of Equity Analysts. Organization science. 34(1), 75-99. Boivie, S., Withers, M. C., Graffin, S. D., & Corley, K. G. (2021). Corporate directors' implicit theories of the roles and duties of boards. Strategic Management Journal. 42(9), 1662-1695. Campbell, R. J., Busenbark, J. R., Graffin, S. D., & Boivie, S. (2021). Retaining problems or solutions? The post-acquisition performance implications of director retention. 42(9), 1716-1733. Gentry, R. J., Harrison, J. S., Quigley, T. J., & Boivie, S. (2021). A database of CEO turnover and dismissal in S&P 1500 firms, 2000-2018. 42(5), 968-991. Lee, J. M., Yoon, D., & Boivie, S. (2020). FOUNDER CEO SUCCESSION: THE ROLE OF CEO ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION. Academy of Management Journal. 63(1), 224-245. Harrison, J. S., Thurgood, G. R., Boivie, S., & Pfarrer, M. D. (2020). PERCEPTION IS REALITY: HOW CEOS' OBSERVED PERSONALITY INFLUENCES MARKET PERCEPTIONS OF FIRM RISK AND SHAREHOLDER RETURNS. Academy of Management Journal. 63(4), 1166-1195. Harrison, J. S., Thurgood, G. R., Boivie, S., & Pfarrer, M. D. (2019). Measuring CEO personality: Developing, validating, and testing a linguistic tool. 40(8), 1316-1330. Andrus, J. L., Withers, M. C., Courtright, S. H., & Boivie, S. (2019). Go your own way: Exploring the causes of top executive turnover. Strategic Management Journal. 40(7), 1151-1168. Campbell, R. J., Boivie, S., Bednar, M. K., Campbell, J. T., Quigley, T. J., Schepker, D. J., & Short, C. E. (2018). Changing of the Guard: Shifting the Conversation Surrounding CEO Turnover. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018(1), 11492-11492. Harrison, J., Thurgood, G. R., & Boivie, S. (2018). The Effects of CEO Personality on Strategic Change and Firm Risk. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018(1), 10102-10102. Harrison, J. S., Boivie, S., Sharp, N. Y., & Gentry, R. J. (2018). SAVING FACE: HOW EXIT IN RESPONSE TO NEGATIVE PRESS AND STAR ANALYST DOWNGRADES REFLECTS REPUTATION MAINTENANCE BY DIRECTORS. Academy of Management Journal. 61(3), 1131-1157. Hubbard, T. D., Zhu, D. H., Bitektine, A. B., Boivie, S., Eisenhardt, K., & Fang, C. (2017). Frontiers of Psychological Research in Strategic Management. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017(1), 12679-12679. Lee, J. M., Yoon, D., & Boivie, S. (2017). Organizational Identification and Founder CEO succession: Evidence from IPO Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017(1), 11453-11453. Boivie, S., Bednar, M. K., Aguilera, R. V., & Andrus, J. L. (2016). Are Boards Designed to Fail? The Implausibility of Effective Board Monitoring. The Academy of Management Annals. 10(1), 319-407. Boivie, S., Graffin, S. D., Oliver, A. G., & Withers, M. C. (2016). COME ABOARD! EXPLORING THE EFFECTS OF DIRECTORSHIPS IN THE EXECUTIVE LABOR MARKET. Academy of Management Journal. 59(5), 1681-1706. Boivie, S., Graffin, S. D., & Gentry, R. J. (2016). UNDERSTANDING THE DIRECTION, MAGNITUDE, AND JOINT EFFECTS OF REPUTATION WHEN MULTIPLE ACTORS' REPUTATIONS COLLIDE. Academy of Management Journal. 59(1), 188-206. Boivie, S., Bednar, M. K., Aguilera, R. V., & Andrus, J. L. (2016). Are Boards Designed to Fail? The Implausibility of Effective Board Monitoring. The Academy of Management Annals. 10(1), 319-407. Busenbark, J. R., Krause, R., Boivie, S., & Graffin, S. D. (2016). Toward a Configurational Perspective on the CEO: A Review and Synthesis of the Management Literature. Journal of Management. 42(1), 234-268. Boivie, S., Bednar, M. K., & Barker, S. B. (2015). Social Comparison and Reciprocity in Director Compensation. Journal of Management. 41(6), 1578-1603. Lange, D., Boivie, S., & Westphal, J. D. (2015). Predicting organizational identification at the CEO level. 36(8), 1224-1244. Boivie, S., Harrison, J., & Sharp, N. (2015). Under the Microscope: The Effect of Star Analyst Downgrades on Director Exit. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2015(1), 11941-11941. Khanna, P., Jones, C. D., & Boivie, S. (2014). Director Human Capital, Information Processing Demands, and Board Effectiveness. 40(2), 557-585. Boivie, S., Graffin, S. D., Wowak, A. J., & Oliver, A. (2014). Directorships as Certifications: How Board Service Affects Executive Career Outcomes. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014(1), 16086-16086. Boivie, S., Graffin, S. D., & Gentry, R. J. (2014). Two Worlds Colliding: Understanding the Effects of Reputational Domain Overlap. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014(1), 14027-14027. Bednar, M. K., Boivie, S., & Prince, N. R. (2013). Burr Under the Saddle: How Media Coverage Influences Strategic Change. Organization science. 24(3), 910-925. Graffin, S. D., Boivie, S., & Carpenter, M. A. (2013). Examining CEO succession and the role of heuristics in earlystage CEO evaluation. 34(4), 383-403. Boivie, S., Graffin, S. D., & Pollock, T. G. (2012). Time for Me to Fly: Predicting Director Exit at Large Firms. Academy of Management Journal. 55(6), 1334-1359. Boivie, S., Bragaw, N. A., Misangyi, V. F., & Bednar, M. K. (2012). Do boards get what they pay for? The relationship between board capital and board compensation. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2012(1), 12368-12368. Christensen, D. M., Dhaliwal, D. S., Boivie, S., & Graffin, S. D. (2012). Managers' Personal Political Orientation and Corporate Tax Avoidance Christensen, D. M., Dhaliwal, D. S., Boivie, S., & Graffin, S. D. (2012). Managers Personal Political Orientation and Corporate Tax Avoidance Graffin, S. D., Carpenter, M. A., & Boivie, S. (2011). What's all that (strategic) noise? anticipatory impression management in CEO succession. Strategic Management Journal. 32(7), 748-770. Boivie, S., Lange, D., McDonald, M. L., & Westphal, J. D. (2011). Me or We: The Effects of CEO Organizational Identification on Agency Costs. Academy of Management Journal. 54(3), 551-576. Lange, D., Boivie, S., & Westphal, J. (2011). PREDICTING ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION AT THE CEO LEVEL. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2011(1), 1-6. Graffin, S. D., Boivie, S., & Carpenter, M. A. (2011). THE ROLE OF EVALUATIVE UNCERTAINTY IN CEO PAY AND EARLY DISMISSAL. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2011(1), 1-6. BOIVIE, S., LANGE, D., MCDONALD, M. L., & WESTPHAL, J. D. (2009). ME OR WE: THE EFFECTS OF CEO ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION ON AGENCY COSTS. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2009(1), 1-6. Lange, D., Boivie, S., & Henderson, A. D. (2009). The Parenting Paradox: How Multibusiness Diversifiers Endorse Disruptive Technologies While Their Corporate Children Struggle. Academy of Management Journal. 52(1), 179-198. Westphal, J. D., Boivie, S., & Chng, D. (2006). The strategic impetus for social network ties: reconstituting broken ceo friendship ties. Strategic Management Journal. 27(5), 425-445. Westphal, J. D., Boivie, S., & Chng, H. M. (2006). The Strategic Impetus for Social Network Ties: How Strategic Dependencies Affect the Likelihood of Reconstituting Broken CEO Friendship Ties to Executives of Other Firms. 27, 425-445. Sanders, G., & Boivie, S. (2004). Sorting things out: valuation of new firms in uncertain markets. 25(2), 167-186. WESTPHAL, J. D., BOIVIE, S., & CHNG, D. (2004). HOW STRATEGIC DEPENDENCIES AFFECT THE LIKELIHOOD OF REBUILDING BROKEN FRIENDSHIP TIES BETWEEN CEOS. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2004(1), h1-h6. Harrison, J. S., Boivie, S., Stern, I., & Porac, J. Inventor CEO involvement and firm exploitative and exploratory innovation. Strategic Management Journal. conference paper Christensen, D. M., Dhaliwal, D. S., Boivie, S., & Graffin, S. D. (2015). Top management conservatism and corporate risk strategies: Evidence from managers' personal political orientation and corporate tax avoidance. Strategic Management Journal. 1918-1938. Boivie, S., Lange, D., Lee, P. M., & Paik, E. (2014). Effects of Conformity to and Deviation from the Crowd:Reputation in the Context of Equity Analysts. Academy of Management Proceedings. 13965-13965. Boivie, S., Lange, D., McDonald, M. L., & Westphal, J. D. (2011). Me or We: The Effects of CEO Organizational Identification on Agency Costs. Academy of Management Journal. 551-576. Lange, D., Boivie, S., & Westphal, J. D. (2011). Predicting organizational identification at the CEO level Graffin, S. D., Boivie, S., & Carpenter, M. A. (2011). The role of evaluative uncertainty in CEO pay & early dismissal GRAFFIN, S., CARPENTER, M., & BOIVIE, S. (2009). WHAT'S ALL THAT (STRATEGIC) NOISE? AN EXAMINATION OF ANTICIPATORY OBFUSCATION IN CEO SUCCESSIONS. Academy of Management Proceedings. 1-6. BOIVIE, S., JONES, C. D., & KHANNA, P. (2008). DIRECTOR CAPABILITIES, INFORMATION PROCESSING DEMANDS AND BOARD EFFECTIVENESS. Academy of Management Proceedings. 1-6. Boivie, S. (2007). How firms' corporate governance characteristics affect the level of human and social capital on the board institutional repository document Christensen, D., Dhaliwal, D. S., Boivie, S., & Graffin, S. D. (2012). Managers Personal Political Orientation and Corporate Tax Avoidance Christensen, D. M., Dhaliwal, D. S., Boivie, S., & Graffin, S. D. (2012). Managers' Personal Political Orientation and Corporate Tax Avoidance webpage Withers, M., & Boivie, S. (2022). Elon Musk wont have a board to watch him when he takes Twitter private does that matter? Boivie, S. (2021). Corporate directors dont see stopping wayward CEOs as their job contrary to popular belief
teaching activities MGMT466 Hnr-strategic Management Instructor MGMT618 Corp Strat & Pol Envir Instructor MGMT676 Strategic Mgmt Survey Instructor MGMT680 Business & Corp Strategy Instructor MGMT685 Directed Studies Instructor MGMT689 Sptp: Contemporary Org Rsrch Instructor MGMT691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Andrus, Joel Leavitt (2018-05). Unlocking a Configurational Perspective of Institutional Logics: Market Entry Actions by U.S. Landfills, 1970-2014. Harrison, Joseph Spencer (2017-03). Social Ties, Shared Values, and Turnover at the Top of Underperforming Firms. Li, Jingyu (2019-07). Three Essays on Director Labor Market: A Structural Network View.
education and training Ph.D. in Strategic Management, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2006 M.S. in Organizational Behavior, Brigham Young University - (Provo, Utah, United States) 2001 B.S. in Business Management, Utah State University - (Logan, Utah, United States) 1999