awards grant
- CAREER: Microfossils as Drivers for Submarine Landslides?
- COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Early Career Coring Principal Investigator Training Cruise
- Collaborative Research: Cirrus Cloud Formation and Microphysical Properties from In-situ Observed Characteristics to Global Climate Impacts
- Collaborative Research: Contrasting the Effects of Aerosols on Marine Boundary Layer (MBL) Cloud-precipitation Properties and Processes in Boreal and Austral Mid-latitude Regions
- Collaborative Research: Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal Estuaries: What Sets the Hydrothermal Flux of Fe and Mn to the Oceans?
- Collaborative Research: Management and Implementation of US GEOTRACES GP17 Section: South Pacific and Southern Ocean (GP17-OCE)
- Collaborative Research: Modeling fault ruptures along bends and stepovers
- Disturbance and recovery of the microbial communities in Galveston Bay following Hurricane Harvey and flooding of the Houston area
- NSF Rapid: Urgent sampling zooplankton for assessing ecosystem restoration of G alveston Bay after catastrophic impacts of Hurricane Harvey
- REU Site: Ocean and Coastal ResEArch ExperieNces for UndergraduateS (REU-OCEANUS)