selected publications academicarticle Vajipeyajula, B., Murru, P., & Rajagopal, K. R. (2023). Stress concentration due to an elliptic hole in a porous elastic plate. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 28(3), 854-869. Vajipeyajula, B., Masad, E., Roja, K. L., Sadeq, M., & Rajagopal, K. (2021). A two-constituent nonlinear viscoelastic model for asphalt mixtures. ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN. 22(4), 910-924. Vajipeyajula, B., Roja, K. L., Masad, E., & Rajagopal, K. R. (2020). Analysis of reclaimed asphalt blended binders using linear and nonlinear viscoelasticity frameworks. Materials and Structures. 53(5), 122. Roja, K. L., Masad, E., Vajipeyajula, B., Yiming, W., Khalid, E., & Shunmugasamy, V. C. (2020). Chemical and multi-scale material properties of recycled and blended asphalt binders. Construction and Building Materials. 261, 119689-119689. Vajipeyajula, B., Khambampati, T., & Handler, R. A. (2017). Dynamics of a single buoyant plume in a FENE-P fluid. Physics of Fluids. 29(9), 091701-091701. conference paper Patterson, A. E., Hasanov, S., & Vajipeyajula, B. (2022). Influence of Matrix Material on Impact Properties of Chopped Carbon Fiber-Thermoplastic Composites Made Using FDM/FFF Patterson, A. E., Vajipeyajula, B., & Norris, W. R. (2022). System Architecture and Design Parameters for Extrusion-Based Autonomous Construction Systems Lakshmi Roja, K., Vajipeyajula, B., & Masad, E. (2022). Multi-scale Evaluation of Asphalt Binders Containing Different Proportions of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). RILEM Bookseries. 1407-1413. Vajipeyajula, B., Roja, K. L., Masad, E., & Rajagopal, K. R. (2020). Assessing permanent deformation of reclaimed asphalt blended binders using non-linear viscoelasticity theory. 372-376.
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