selected publications academicarticle Dromgoole, D. A., & Boleman, C. T. (2006). Distance education: Perceived barriers and opportunities related to extension program delivery. Journal of Extension. 44(5), institutional repository document Dromgoole, D. A. (2007). A study to determine if in-depth professional development provided to extension educators on program development has an effect on planning, implementing, and evaluating extension educational programs Boleman, C., & Dromgoole, D. A. (2007). Result Demonstration: A Method That Works
teaching activities ALEC494 Internship:in-ab Instructor ALED339 Ag Extension Phil & Missn Instructor ALED344 Leadership Of Volunteers Instructor ALED441 Agri Exten Org & Meth Instructor ALED494 Adev Internship Instructor