selected publications academicarticle Shin, Y. E., Zhou, L., & Ding, Y. u. (2022). Joint Estimation of Monotone Curves via Functional Principal Component Analysis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 166, 107343-107343. Mukherjee, R., Beykal, B., Szafran, A. T., Onel, M., Stossi, F., Mancini, M. G., ... Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2020). Classification of estrogenic compounds by coupling high content analysis and machine learning algorithms. PLoS Computational Biology. 16(9), e1008191-e1008191. Onel, M., Beykal, B., Ferguson, K., Chiu, W. A., McDonald, T. J., Zhou, L., ... Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2019). Grouping of complex substances using analytical chemistry data: A framework for quantitative evaluation and visualization. PLoS ONE. 14(10), e0223517-e0223517. Najibi, S. M., Maadooliat, M., Zhou, L., Huang, J. Z., & Gao, X. (2017). Protein Structure Classification and Loop Modeling Using Multiple Ramachandran Distributions. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 15, 243-254. Huang, J. Z., Wang, X., Wu, X., & Zhou, L. (2016). Estimation of a probability density function using interval aggregated data. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 86(15), 3093-3105. Sang, W., Speakmon, M., Zhou, L., Wang, Y. u., Lei, C., Pillai, S. D., & Zhu-Salzman, K. (2016). Detrimental effects of electron beam irradiation on the cowpea bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus. Pest Management Science. 72(4), 787-795. Maadooliat, M., Zhou, L., Najibi, S. M., Gao, X., & Huang, J. Z. (2016). Collective Estimation of Multiple Bivariate Density Functions With Application to Angular-Sampling-Based Protein Loop Modeling. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. 111(513), 43-56. Assaad, H. I., Hou, Y., Zhou, L., Carroll, R. J., & Wu, G. (2015). Rapid publication-ready MS-Word tables for two-way ANOVA. SpringerPlus. 4(1), 33. Guo, M., Zhou, L., Huang, J. Z., & Haerdle, W. K. (2015). Functional data analysis of generalized regression quantiles. Statistics and Computing. 25(2), 189-202. Assaad, H. I., Zhou, L., Carroll, R. J., & Wu, G. (2014). Rapid publication-ready MS-Word tables for one-way ANOVA. SpringerPlus. 3(1), 474. Wu, G., Zhu, J., Yu, J., Zhou, L., Huang, J. Z., & Zhang, Z. (2014). Evaluation of five methods for genome-wide circadian gene identification. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 29(4), 231-242. Zhou, L., & Pan, H. (2014). Principal Component Analysis of Two-Dimensional Functional Data. Journal of Computational And Graphical Statistics (JCGS). 23(3), 779-801. Assaad, H., Yao, K., Tekwe, C. D., Feng, S., Bazer, F. W., Zhou, L., ... Wu, G. (2014). Analysis of energy expenditure in diet-induced obese rats. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 19(6), 967-985. Cheng, G., Zhou, L., & Huang, J. Z. (2014). Efficient semiparametric estimation in generalized partially linear additive models for longitudinal/clustered data. Bernoulli: a journal of mathematical statistics and probability. 20(1), 141-163. Zhou, L., & Pan, H. (2014). Smoothing noisy data for irregular regions using penalized bivariate splines on triangulations. Computational Statistics. 29(1-2), 263-281. Cheng, G., Zhou, L., Chen, X., & Huang, J. Z. (2014). Efficient estimation of semiparametric copula models for bivariate survival data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 123, 330-344. Jia, Q., Ivanov, I., Zlatev, Z. Z., Alaniz, R. C., Weeks, B. R., Callaway, E. S., ... Chapkin, R. S. (2011). Dietary fish oil and curcumin combine to modulate colonic cytokinetics and gene expression in dextran sodium sulphate-treated mice. British Journal of Nutrition. 106(4), 519-529. Wei, J., & Zhou, L. (2010). Model selection using modified AIC and BIC in joint modeling of paired functional data. Statistics and Probability Letters. 80(23-24), 1918-1924. Zhou, L., Huang, J. Z., Martinez, J. G., Maity, A., Baladandayuthapani, V., & Carroll, R. J. (2010). Reduced Rank Mixed Effects Models for Spatially Correlated Hierarchical Functional Data. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. 105(489), 390-400. Qiao, Z., Zhou, L., & Huang, J. Z. (2009). Sparse linear discriminant analysis with applications to high dimensional low sample size data. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics. 39(1), Fan, Y., Zhan, Y., Aukema, H. M., Davidson, L. A., Zhou, L., Callaway, E., ... Chapkin, R. S. (2009). Proapoptotic effects of dietary (n-3) fatty acids are enhanced in colonocytes of manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase knockout mice. Journal of Nutrition. 139(7), 1328-1332. Fan, Y., Kim, W., Callaway, E., Smith, R., Jia, Q., Zhou, L., McMurray, D. N., & Chapkin, R. S. (2008). fat-1 transgene expression prevents cell culture-induced loss of membrane n-3 fatty acids in activated CD4+ T-cells. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. 79(6), 209-214. Zhou, L., Huang, J. Z., & Carroll, R. J. (2008). Joint modelling of paired sparse functional data using principal components. Biometrika. 95(3), 601-619. Norman, S. A., Russell Localio, A., Weber, A. L., Coates, R. J., Zhou, L., Bernstein, L., ... Nadel, M. R. (2007). Protection of mammography screening against death from breast cancer in women aged 40-64 years. Cancer Causes and Control. 18(9), 909-918. Huang, J. Z., Zhang, L., & Zhou, L. (2007). Efficient Estimation in Marginal Partially Linear Models for Longitudinal/Clustered Data Using Splines. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 34(3), 451-477. Azzoni, L., Chehimi, J., Zhou, L., Foulkes, A. S., June, R., Maino, V. C., ... Montaner, L. J. (2007). Early and delayed benefits of HIV-1 suppression: timeline of recovery of innate immunity effector cells. AIDS. 21(3), 293-305. Zhang, P., Kim, W., Zhou, L., Wang, N., Ly, L. H., McMurray, D. N., & Chapkin, R. S. (2006). Dietary fish oil inhibits antigen-specific murine Th1 cell development by suppression of clonal expansion. Journal of Nutrition. 136(9), 2391-2398. Norman, S. A., Localio, A. R., Zhou, L., Weber, A. L., Coates, R. J., Malone, K. E., ... Nadel, M. R. (2006). Benefit of screening mammography in reducing the rate of late-stage breast cancer diagnoses (United States). Cancer Causes and Control. 17(7), 921-929. Seeber, B. E., Sammel, M. D., Guo, W., Zhou, L., Hummel, A., & Barnhart, K. T. (2006). Application of redefined human chorionic gonadotropin curves for the diagnosis of women at risk for ectopic pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility. 86(2), 454-459. Localio, A. R., Zhou, L., & Norman, S. A. (2006). Measuring screening intensity in case-control studies of the efficacy of mammography. American Journal of Epidemiology. 164(3), 272-281. Silva, C., Sammel, M. D., Zhou, L., Gracia, C., Hummel, A. C., & Barnhart, K. (2006). Human chorionic gonadotropin profile for women with ectopic pregnancy. 107(3), 605-610. Chung, K., Sammel, M., Zhou, L., Hummel, A., Guo, W., & Barnhart, K. (2006). Defining the curve when initial levels of human chorionic gonadotropin in patients with spontaneous abortions are low. Fertility and Sterility. 85(2), 508-510. Foulkes, A. S., Reilly, M., Zhou, L., Wolfe, M., & Rader, D. J. (2005). Mixed modelling to characterize genotype-phenotype associations. Statistics in Medicine. 24(5), 775-789. Barnhart, K., Sammel, M. D., Chung, K., Zhou, L., Hummel, A. C., & Guo, W. (2004). Decline of serum human chorionic gonadotropin and spontaneous complete abortion: defining the normal curve. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 104(5 Pt 1), 975-981. Barnhart, K. T., Sammel, M. D., Rinaudo, P. F., Zhou, L., Hummel, A. C., & Guo, W. (2004). Symptomatic patients with an early viable intrauterine pregnancy: HCG curves redefined. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 104(1), 50-55. Hennessy, S., Bilker, W. B., Zhou, L., Weber, A. L., Brensinger, C., Wang, Y., & Strom, B. L. (2003). Retrospective drug utilization review, prescribing errors, and clinical outcomes. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 290(11), 1494-1499. Norman, S. A., Localio, A. R., Zhou, L., Bernstein, L., Coates, R. J., Flagg, E. W., ... Nadel, M. R. (2003). Validation of self-reported screening mammography histories among women with and without breast cancer. American Journal of Epidemiology. 158(3), 264-271. Huang, J. Z. (2002). Varying-coefficient models and basis function approximations for the analysis of repeated measurements. Biometrika. 89(1), 111-128. Miki, A., Liu, G. T., Goldsmith, Z. G., Zhou, L., Siegfried, J., Hulvershorn, J., Raz, J., & Haselgrove, J. C. (2001). Effects of check size on visual cortex activation studied by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Ophthalmic Research: journal for research in experimental and clinical ophthalmology. 33(3), 180-184. Renbaum, L., Ufberg, D., Sammel, M., Zhou, L., & Barnhart, K. T. (2000). Reliability of Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): Clinicians vs. Radiologists. Fertility and Sterility. 74(3), s116-S116. chapter Mukherjee, R., Onel, M., Beykal, B., Szafran, A. T., Stossi, F., Mancini, M. A., ... Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2019). Development of the Texas A&M Superfund Research Program Computational Platform for Data Integration, Visualization, and Analysis. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 29th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. (pp. 967-972). Elsevier. Onel, M., Beykal, B., Wang, M., Grimm, F. A., Zhou, L., Wright, F. A., ... Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2018). Optimal Chemical Grouping and Sorbent Material Design by Data Analysis, Modeling and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. (pp. 421-426). Elsevier. conference paper Assaad, H., Yao, K., Bazer, F. W., Zhou, L., Carroll, R. J., Meininger, C. J., & Wu, G. (2013). Analysis of energy expenditure in diet-induced obese rats with abnormal metabolism of amino acids. Amino Acids. 597-597. Martinez, J. G., Liang, F., Zhou, L., & Carroll, R. J. (2010). Longitudinal functional principal component modeling via Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo. Canadian Journal of Statistics, The. 256-270. Huang, J. Z., Wu, C. O., & Zhou, L. (2004). Polynomial spline estimation and inference for varying coefficient models with longitudinal data. STATISTICA SINICA. 763-788.
investigator on Comprehensive Tools and Models for Addressing Exposure to Mixtures During Environmental Emergency-Related Contamination Events awarded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - (Durham, North Carolina, United States) 2017 - 2022
teaching activities STAT302 Statistical Methods Instructor STAT482 Statistics Capstone Instructor STAT483 Interdiscip Data Analyt Pract Instructor STAT648 Applied Stat & Data Analys Instructor STAT683 Data Science Capstone Instructor STAT684 Professional Internship Instructor STAT685 Directed Studies Instructor STAT691 Research Instructor STAT693 Stat Consulting & Ethics Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Chen, Shuai (2012-07). Statistical Inference for Costs and Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios with Censored Data. Chen, Shuai (2015-04). Statistical Inference for Medical Costs and Incremental Cost-effectiveness Ratios with Censored Data. Pan, Huijun 1987- (2011-08). Bivariate B-splines and its Applications in Spatial Data Analysis.
education and training Ph.D. in Statistics, University of California, Berkeley - (Berkeley, California, United States) 1997
mailing address Texas A&M University Department Of Statistics 3143 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3143 USA