selected publications academicarticle Platt, R. E., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2022). Religion and Higher Education in the American South: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research. 4(1), i-iii. Kocabas, S., Ozfidan, B., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2019). American STEM Education in Its Global, National, and Linguistic Contexts. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 16(1), Ozfidan, B., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2019). A Literature-Based Approach on Age Factors in Second Language Acquisition: Children, Adolescents, and Adults. International Education Studies. 12(10), 27-27. Ozfidan, B., Burlbaw, L. M., & Kocabas, S. (2018). Investigating Attitudes towards a Bilingual Education Curriculum: A Scale Development Study. Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială. 62(September), 9-20. Kocabas, S., Ozfidan, B., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2018). The Development of a Scale to Measure Teachers Self-Efficacy and Confidence in Teaching Compulsory K-12 Theology Courses. Journal of Education and Learning. 7(4), 92-92. Zhu, G., Waxman, H., Rivera, H., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2018). The Micropolitics of Student Teachers' Professional Vulnerability During Teaching Practicums: A Chinese Perspective. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 27(2), 155-165. Ozfidan, B., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2017). A Framework for Understanding of Bilingual Education in Turkey: A Mixed Method Approach. Journal of Education and Training Studies. 5(10), 188-188. Ozfidan, B., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2017). Development, Validation, and Application for a Bilingual Education Curriculum in Turkey. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 13(10), 6659-6669. Ozfidan, B., Burlbaw, L., & Kuo, L. (2016). Perceptions of an Anticipated Bilingual Education Program in Turkey. International Education Studies. 9(10), 174-174. Ozfidan, B., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2016). Perceptions of Bilingual Education Model in Spain: How to Implement a Bilingual Education Model in Turkey. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies. 3(1), 49-58. Eslami, Z. R., Kim, H., Wright, K. L., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2014). THE ROLE OF LEARNER SUBJECTIVITY AND KOREAN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS PRAGMATIC CHOICES. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics. 10(1), 117-146. Donovan, W. R., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2007). Aiming for Educated Officers: Curriculum Evolution in Early Professional Military Education in the United States, 1880-1914 Jia, Y., Eslami, Z. R., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2006). ESL Teachers' Perceptions and Factors Influencing Their Use of Classroom-Based Reading Assessment. Bilingual Research Journal. 30(2), 407-430. Burlbaw, L. M., Borowiec, J. B., & James, R. K. (2001). Team Experiences for Science and Social Studies Preservice Teachers. Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas. 74(3), 116-117. Burlbaw, L. M. (1994). Applying Generalizations in Middle School Geography Classes. The Social Studies. 85(3), 110-113. Burlbaw, L. (1994). Appropriate Technology. Kappa Delta Pi Record. 30(2), 77-77. Field, S. L., Burlbaw, L. M., & Davis, O. L. (1994). I Think There Was a Storm in the Desert: Using Narrative to Assess Children's Historical Understanding of the Gulf War. The Social Studies. 85(6), 256-261. BURLBAW, L. M. (1994). THINGS MAPS DONT TELL US - AN ADVENTURE INTO MAP INTERPRETATION - UNIV-CHICAGO. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY. 93(2), 112-113. Burlbaw, L. M. (1993). Supporting Teacher Education with Computer-Based Telecommunication Systems. Journal of Educational Technology Systems. 22(2), 99-112. Armstrong, D. G., Burlbaw, L. M., & Batten, C. L. (1992). Extended teacherpreparation programs: What the literature tells us. The Teacher Educator. 27(3), 9-14. Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). Add a Teacher-Led Stimulation to Your Lecturing Techniques. The Social Studies. 82(1), 30-31. Armstrong, D. G., & Burlbaw, L. M. (1991). Cashing in on Students' Interest in Money: World Currency as a Motivator in the Social Studies Classroom. The Social Studies. 82(4), 143-147. BURLBAW, L. M. (1991). WHATS IN A NAME - ASHLEY,LRN. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY. 90(2), 93-93. BURLBAW, L. M. (1990). THE SOCIAL-SCIENCES AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION - ZAMORA,MD, HAMADA,T, ZEIGLER,DJ, PAONESSA,L. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY. 89(3), 141-141. Burlbaw, L. M. (1987). In Review. Kappa Delta Pi Record. 24(1), 31-32. book Burlbaw, L. M., & Field, S. L. (2005). Explorations in Curriculum History. IAP. chapter McIntush, K. E., Pierce, R., McIntush, E., Alcala, A., Garza, K. A., Hardin, E., ... Burlbaw, L. M. (2019). ADVANCING ARCHIVAL RESEARCH WITH TECHNOLOGY Application to Brazoria County Schools, 1917-1921. AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL HISTORY JOURNAL, VOL 46, NOS 1 & 2. (pp. A73-A93). Graham, M. R., & Burlbaw, L. M. (2019). CLOSE ENOUGH TO TOUCH The Civil War in Living Memory. AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL HISTORY JOURNAL, VOL 46, NOS 1 & 2. (pp. 91-105). Burlbaw, L. M., Williams, L., & Kelly, L. J. (2017). EDUCATION AGRICULTURAL IMPROVEMENT Teacher Certification at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL HISTORY JOURNAL, VOL 44, NOS 1 AND 2. (pp. 1-19). Burlbaw, L. M., Ortwein, M. J., & Williams, J. K. (2013). The Project Method in Historical Context. STEM Project-Based Learning. (pp. 7-14). Springer Nature. Kridel, C. (2010). Society for the Study of Curriculum History. Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. SAGE Publications. institutional repository document Earhart, A., Ives, M., Burkart, P., Ezell, M., Harner, J., Ramasubramanian, S., ... Vedlitz, A. (2009). Texas Center for Digital Humanities and New Media
co-principal investigator on Strategies: Making the Maker: A Pathway to STEM for Elementary School Students awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2014 - 2020
teaching activities EDCI291 Research Instructor EDCI601 Disc Know Resrch In C & I Instructor EDCI638 Trends In Curr & Instr Instructor EDCI644 Curriculum Development Instructor EDCI658 History Of Education Instructor EDCI659 History Of American Ed Instructor EDCI670 Soc Stds In Elem & Sec Instructor EDCI680 Proseminar Instructor EDCI684 Prof Internship Instructor EDCI685 Directed Studies Instructor EDCI689 Sptp: Tech App Arch Rsch Instructor EDCI691 Research Instructor EDCI692 Professional Study Instructor EDCI726 Hist Trends Stem Education Instructor TEED649 Inst Strat Mid & High Sc Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Abunawas, Mahmoud (2014-12). A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Predictive Validity of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Scores on GPA. Arcak, Cory L. (2019-11). Teacher Perceptions of the Implementation of an Arts Program: Rules! Rules! @#$&*#% Rules - When Do We Give Up on a Child in the Foster Care System?. Beck, Shari A. (2012-07). The Effects of a Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Environment on Elementary Mathematics TAKS Test Scores in Texas: An Overall Comparison and an Analysis of Questions With and Without a Visual Prompt. Black, Linda L. (2008-12). Female community leaders in Houston, Texas: a study of the education of Ima Hogg and Christia Daniels Adair. Caldwell, Heather K. (2010-07). MARY CARROLL CRAIG BRADFORD: PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES TO COLORADO'S WOMEN AND CHILDREN THROUGH SUFFRAGE AND EDUCATION. Clark, Robert M. (2010-10). A Historical View of the Magnolia Independent School District, Magnolia, Texas, 1900-2009. Davis, Jill Marie (2003-05). The impact of parental involvement: a study of the relationship between homework and kindergarten Texas Primary Reading Inventory scores. Delello, Julie A. (2010-01). The Development of a Virtual Science Museum for the Public Understanding of Science in Eastern China and in the United States. Dimatteo, Kristen (2014-04). The Effects of a Mentoring Program on Teacher Retention Rates at Tashkent International School. Donovan, William Robert (2011-02). Curriculum Evolution at Air Command and Staff College in the Post-Cold War Era. Freer-Alvarez, Trudy Ann (2016-04). The Impact of a Project-Based Learning Comprehensive School Reform on Student Achievement in a Group of High-Population Bilingual Urban Campuses. Harper, Deena San (2008-12). An examination of the extent and endurance of a technology-based staff development program on the epistemological, ontological, and methodological beliefs of high school chemistry teachers. Jia, Yueming (2004-12). English as a second language teachers' perceptions and use of classroom-based reading assessment.. Kang, Rui (2009-05). PK-8 preservice teachers' intentions to teach economics: an application of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior. Kilinc, Emin (2012-07). Conceptual Learning in Social Studies Classroom: An Analysis of Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Social Studies Questions with and without Concept. Kim, Heekyoung (2009-05). The role of the learner subjectivity and pragmatic transfer in the performance of requests by Korean ESL learners. Kocabas, Sezai (2018-07). STEM Education in the United States. Lovesmith, Deanna M. (2010-01). AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE NEEDED BY SUPERINTENDENTS AND ARCHITECTS TO ENHANCE THEIR COLLABORATION IN THE SCHOOL DESIGN PROCESS. Martinez, Allison (2017-11). Determining Success On The Kindergarten Developmental Reading Assessment and Texas Proficiency Reading Inventory Assessments. Metty, Jane Maureen (2011-10). The Effects of a Standards-Based Curriculum on Science Teachers' Instructional Decisions. Muldowney, Hanna Maria (2011-10). The Operation of Cooperative Education for Homeschooled Children: The Quality Homeschool Cooperative as a Case Study. Munoz, Marissa Isela (2010-10). The TAMU Water Project: Critical Environmental Justice as Pedagogy. Musa, Ahlam (2013-03). An Analysis of Performance of ESL Students on Various Social Studies Objectives and Test Items on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Test. Ozfidan, Burhan (2017-07). The Development of a Bilingual Education Curriculum in Turkey: A Mixed Method Study. Plett, Bethany Joy (2008-08). Inclusion of English language learners in conversion small schools. Reed, Linda A. (2003-05). Case study of the implementation of cognitive coaching by an instructional coach in a Title 1 elementary school. Rodgers, Pamela England (2003-05). What goal is of most worth? The effects of the implementation of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills on elementary science teaching. Rudd, Charla J (2013-05). The History of Cranfills Gap ISD. Turner, Rachel Kay (2020-07). There and Back Again: A Social Studies Tale of Integration. Wakefield, Karen June (2014-04). A Case Study of the Infusion of Bioethics into a Medical School Curriculum. Waller, Kristina Elizabeth (2016-01). An Examination of Preservice Teachers' Understanding of Diversity and Cultural Awareness after Participating in a Family Heritage Experience. Watlington, Kathryn (2014-07). Changing the School Year: The Texas Experience in Moving to a Twelve-Grade Academic Program. Williams Jr., Byron Ray (2019-08). Measuring the Impact of the Document-Based Lesson Cycle on Eighth Graders' Ability to Analyze Historical Documents. Williams, Jeremy Kelton (2012-10). Interpreting Civic Education in American Educational Thought from Progressivism Through Multiculturalism.
education and training Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 1989 M.Ed., Eastern New Mexico University - (Portales, New Mexico, United States) 1984 B.A., University of New Mexico - (Valencia, New Mexico, United States) 1971
awards and honors Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2006
mailing address Texas A&M University Teaching, Learning And Culture (Tlac) 4232 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4232 USA