selected publications academic article Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2023). Combinatorial characterizations and impossibilities for higher-order homophily. Science Advances. 9(1), eabq3200. Benson, A. R., Veldt, N., & Gleich, D. F. (2022). Fauci-Email: A JSON Digest of Anthony Faucis Released Emails. 16, 1208-1217. Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2022). Hypergraph Cuts with General Splitting Functions. SIAM Review. 64(3), 650-685. Chodrow, P. S., Veldt, N., & Benson, A. R. (2021). Generative hypergraph clustering: From blockmodels to modularity. Science Advances. 7(28), eabh1303. Veldt, N., Gleich, D. F., Wirth, A., & Saunderson, J. (2019). Metric-Constrained Optimization for Graph Clustering Algorithms. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science. 1(2), 333-355. conference paper Huang, Y., Gleich, D. F., & Veldt, N. (2024). Densest Subhypergraph: Negative Supermodular Functions and Strongly Localized Methods. 881-892. Crane, A., Lavallee, B., Sullivan, B. D., & Veldt, N. (2024). Overlapping and Robust Edge-Colored Clustering in Hypergraphs. 143-151. Bengali, V., & Veldt, N. (2023). Faster Approximation Algorithms for Parameterized Graph Clustering and Edge Labeling. 78-87. Piercey, P., Pearce, R., & Veldt, N. (2023). Coordinated Botnet Detection in Social Networks via Clustering Analysis. 192-196. Veldt, N. (2023). Cut-matching Games for Generalized Hypergraph Ratio Cuts. 694-704. Liu, M., Veldt, N., Song, H., Li, P., & Gleich, D. F. (2021). Strongly Local Hypergraph Diffusions for Clustering and Semi-supervised Learning. 2092-2103. Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2021). The Generalized Mean Densest Subgraph Problem. 1604-1614. Amburg, I., Veldt, N., & Benson, A. (2020). Clustering in graphs and hypergraphs with categorical edge labels. 706-717. Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2020). Minimizing Localized Ratio Cut Objectives in Hypergraphs. 1708-1718. Veldt, N., Wirth, A., & Gleich, D. F. (2020). Parameterized Correlation Clustering in Hypergraphs and Bipartite Graphs. 1868-1876. Veldt, N., Gleich, D., & Wirth, A. (2019). Learning Resolution Parameters for Graph Clustering. 1909-1919. Veldt, N., Gleich, D. F., & Wirth, A. (2018). A Correlation Clustering Framework for Community Detection. 439-448. Nassar, H., Veldt, N., Mohammadi, S., Grama, A., & Gleich, D. F. (2018). Low Rank Spectral Network Alignment. 619-628. Veldt, N., Wirth, A. I., & Gleich, D. F. (2017). Correlation Clustering with Low-Rank Matrices. 1025-1034. institutional repository document Veldt, N. (2022). Optimal LP Rounding and Linear-Time Approximation Algorithms for Clustering Edge-Colored Hypergraphs Veldt, N. (2022). Growing a Random Maximal Independent Set Produces a 2-approximate Vertex Cover Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2021). Approximate Decomposable Submodular Function Minimization for Cardinality-Based Components Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2021). Combinatorial Characterizations and Impossibilities for Higher-order Homophily Veldt, N. (2021). Correlation Clustering via Strong Triadic Closure Labeling: Fast Approximation Algorithms and Practical Lower Bounds Chodrow, P. S., Veldt, N., & Benson, A. R. (2021). Generative hypergraph clustering: from blockmodels to modularity Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2021). The Generalized Mean Densest Subgraph Problem Benson, A. R., Veldt, N., & Gleich, D. F. (2021). fauci-email: a json digest of Anthony Fauci's released emails Benson, A. R., Kleinberg, J., & Veldt, N. (2020). Augmented Sparsifiers for Generalized Hypergraph Cuts with Applications to Decomposable Submodular Function Minimization Amburg, I., Veldt, N., & Benson, A. R. (2020). Hypergraph Clustering for Finding Diverse and Experienced Groups Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2020). Hypergraph Cuts with General Splitting Functions Veldt, N., Benson, A. R., & Kleinberg, J. (2020). Minimizing Localized Ratio Cut Objectives in Hypergraphs Veldt, N., Wirth, A., & Gleich, D. F. (2020). Parameterized Correlation Clustering in Hypergraphs and Bipartite Graphs Liu, M., Veldt, N., Song, H., Li, P., & Gleich, D. F. (2020). Strongly Local Hypergraph Diffusions for Clustering and Semi-supervised Learning Ruggles, C., Veldt, N., & Gleich, D. F. (2019). A Parallel Projection Method for Metric Constrained Optimization Amburg, I., Veldt, N., & Benson, A. R. (2019). Clustering in graphs and hypergraphs with categorical edge labels Gan, J., Gleich, D. F., Veldt, N., Wirth, A., & Zhang, X. (2019). Graph Clustering in All Parameter Regimes Veldt, N., Gleich, D. F., & Wirth, A. (2019). Learning Resolution Parameters for Graph Clustering Veldt, N., Gleich, D., Wirth, A., & Saunderson, J. (2018). A Projection Method for Metric-Constrained Optimization Gleich, D. F., Veldt, N., & Wirth, A. (2018). Correlation Clustering Generalized Veldt, N., Klymko, C., & Gleich, D. (2018). Flow-Based Local Graph Clustering with Better Seed Set Inclusion Veldt, N., Gleich, D., & Wirth, A. (2017). Unifying Sparsest Cut, Cluster Deletion, and Modularity Clustering Objectives with Correlation Clustering Veldt, N., Gleich, D. F., & Mahoney, M. W. (2016). A Simple and Strongly-Local Flow-Based Method for Cut Improvement Veldt, N., Wirth, A., & Gleich, D. F. (2016). Correlation Clustering with Low-Rank Matrices
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