selected publications academicarticle Oh, H., Annamalai, K., Sweeten, J. M., & Heflin, K. (2021). Reburning of Animal Waste Based Biomass with Coals for NOx Reduction, Part II: Dairy Biomass (DB) and Coal-DB Blends. Energies. 14(23), 8076-8076. Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Evett, S. R., Chen, Y., Heflin, K. R., Moorhead, J. E., & Brauer, D. K. (2021). Irrigation Management Effects on Crop Water Productivity for Maize Production in the Texas High Plains. Water Conservation Science and Engineering. 6(1), 37-43. Chen, Y., Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Heflin, K. R., Porter, D. O., Moorhead, J. E., Schwartz, R. C., & Brauer, D. K. (2020). FACTORY-CALIBRATED SOIL WATER SENSOR PERFORMANCE USING MULTIPLE INSTALLATION ORIENTATIONS AND DEPTHS. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(1), 39-54. Chen, Y., Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Porter, D. O., Moorhead, J. E., Wang, Q., Heflin, K. R., & Brauer, D. K. (2020). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Historical and Future Climate Data in the Texas High Plains. Sustainability. 12(15), 6036-6036. Marek, G. W., Chen, Y., Marek, T. H., Heflin, K. R., O'Shaughnessy, S. A., Gowda, P. H., & Brauer, D. K. (2020). Assessing planting date effects on seasonal water use of full- and short-season maize using SWAT in the southern Ogallala Aquifer region. Irrigation Science. 38(1), 77-87. Heflin, K. R., Parker, D. B., Marek, G. W., Auvermann, B. W., & Marek, T. H. (2019). Greenhouse-gas emissions of beef finishing systems in the Southern High PLAINS. Agricultural Systems. 176, 102674-102674. Chen, Y., Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Heflin, K. R., Porter, D. O., Moorhead, J. E., & Brauer, D. K. (2019). Soil Water Sensor Performance and Corrections with Multiple Installation Orientations and Depths under Three Agricultural Irrigation Treatments. Sensors. 19(13), 2872-2872. Bush, K. J., Heflin, K. R., Marek, G. W., Bryant, T. C., & Auvermann, B. W. (2014). INCREASING STOCKING DENSITY REDUCES EMISSIONS OF FUGITIVE DUST FROM CATTLE FEEDYARDS. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30(5), 815-824. Buttrey, E. K., Cole, N. A., Jenkins, K. H., Meyer, B. E., McCollum, F. T., Preece, S., ... MacDonald, J. C. (2012). Effects of twenty percent corn wet distillers grains plus solubles in steam-flaked and dry-rolled corn-based finishing diets on heifer performance, carcass characteristics, and manure characteristics. Journal of Animal Science. 90(13), 5086-5098. Lawrence, B., Annamalai, K., Sweeten, J. M., & Heflin, K. (2009). Cofiring coal and dairy biomass in a 29 kW(t) furnace. APPLIED ENERGY. 86(11), 2359-2372. Chen, Y., Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Moorhead, J. E., Heflin, K. R., Brauer, D. K., Gowda, P. H., & Srinivasan, R. Assessment of Alternative Agricultural Land Use Options for Extending the Availability of the Ogallala Aquifer in the Northern High Plains of Texas. Hydrology. 5(4), 53-53. Chen, Y., Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Gowda, P. H., Xue, Q., Moorhead, J. E., ... Heflin, K. R. Multisite evaluation of an improved SWAT irrigation scheduling algorithm for corn (Zea mays L.) production in the US Southern Great Plains. Environmental Modelling & Software. 118, 23-34. Chen, Y., Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Moorhead, J. E., Heflin, K. R., Brauer, D. K., Gowda, P. H., & Srinivasan, R. Simulating the impacts of climate change on hydrology and crop production in the Northern High Plains of Texas using an improved SWAT model. Agricultural Water Management. 221, 13-24. Chen, Y., Marek, G. W., Marek, T. H., Porter, D. O., Moorhead, J. E., Heflin, K. R., Brauer, D. K., & Srinivasan, R. Watershed scale evaluation of an improved SWAT auto-irrigation function. Environmental Modelling & Software. 131, 104789-104789. chapter Carlin, N. T., Annamalai, K., Oh, H., Ariza, G. G., Lawrence, B., Arcot, U. V., ... Harman, W. L. (2011). Co-combustion and Gasification of Coal and Cattle Biomass: a Review of Research and Experimentation. GREEN ENERGY: BASIC CONCEPTS AND FUNDAMENTALS. (pp. 123-179). Springer Nature.