selected publications academicarticle Springer, D. L., Anderson, A. J., Dixon, S. M., Warner, S. M., & Dixon, M. A. (2020). Enhancing Holistic Learning Through a Sport Management Short-Term Study Abroad. SMEJ / Sport Management Education Journal. 14(2), 97-106.
teaching activities KINE120 Sci Basic Hlth&fit Obs Course Instructor KINE120 Sci Bsic Hlth&fit Aerobic Run Instructor KINE199 Ultimate Frisbee Instructor KINE223 Intro Sci Hlth&fit Aerobic Run Instructor KINE223 Intro Sci Hlth&fit Frisbee Instructor KINE223 Intro Sci Hlth&fit Frisbee Instructor KINE223 Intro Sci Hlth&fit Frisbee Instructor KINE223 Intro Sci Hlth&fit Ult Frisbee Instructor KINE340 Essential Strength & Condition Instructor KINE351 Coaching Of Basketball Instructor KINE355 Coaching Of Track Instructor SPMT483 Practicum In Sport Mgmt Instructor
mailing address Texas A&M University Health And Kinesiology 4243 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4243 USA