selected publications academic article Broussard, A. S. (2023). Still Searching: A Black Family's Quest for Equality and Recognition during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. 22(1), 3-19. Broussard, A. S. (2021). Black Man in the Huddle: Stories from the Integration of Texas Football. Journal of American Ethnic History. 40(3), 103-105. Broussard, A. S. (2019). Esteban: The African Slave Who Explored America. New Mexico Historical Review. 94(4), 443-444. Broussard, A. S. (2018). Freedom's Racial Frontier: African Americans in the Twentieth-Century West. Southwestern Historical Quarterly. 122(2), 219-220. Broussard, A. S. (2017). A History of Fort Worth in Black and White: 165 Years of African-American Life. New Mexico Historical Review. 92(3), 352-353. Broussard, A. S. (2014). San Francisco Lithographer: African American Artist Grafton Tyler Brown. Western Historical Quarterly. 45(4), 474-475. Broussard, A. S. (2012). The Postwar Struggle for Civil Rights: African Americans in San Francisco, 1945-1975. American Historical Review. 117(1), 232-233. Broussard, A. S. (2011). And Grace Will Lead Me Home: African American Freedmen Communities of Austin, Texas, 1865-1928. Journal of Southern History. 77(1), 187-188. Broussard, A. S. (2011). New Perspectives on Lynching, Race Riots, and Mob Violence. Journal of American Ethnic History. 30(3), 71-75. Broussard, A. S. (2010). A Force for Change: Beatrice Morrow Cannady and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Oregon, 1912-1936. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 97(3), 836-836. Broussard, A. S. (2010). African Americans in the West. Pacific Historical Review. 79(3), 460-461. Broussard, A. S. (2010). Western Echoes of the Harlem Renaissance: The Life and Writings of Anita Scott Coleman. Pacific Historical Review. 79(1), 143-144. Broussard, A. S. (2008). The Seminole freedmen: A history. Journal of the West: an illustrated quarterly of Western American history and culture. 47(2), 89-89. Broussard, A. S. (2007). The battle for Los Angeles: Racial ideology and World War II. Journal of the West: an illustrated quarterly of Western American history and culture. 46(2), 110-111. Broussard, A. S. (2006). Percy H. Steele, Jr., and the urban league: Race relations and the struggle for civil rights in post-World War II San Diego. 83(4), 7-+. Broussard, A. S. (2006). The southern diaspora: How the great migrations of black and white southerners transformed America. Journal of the West: an illustrated quarterly of Western American history and culture. 45(3), 114-114. Broussard, A. S. (2005). African American women confront the West, 1600-2000. American Historical Review. 110(2), 463-464. Broussard, A. S. (2005). African Americans in the west - Introduction. Journal of the West: an illustrated quarterly of Western American history and culture. 44(2), 5-7. Broussard, A. S. (2004). American babylon: Race and the struggle for postwar Oakland. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 91(3), 1091-1091. Broussard, A. S. (2004). Black victory: The rise and fall of the white primary in Texas. Journal of the West: an illustrated quarterly of Western American history and culture. 43(2), 101-101. Broussard, A. S. (2002). Metropolis in the making: Los Angeles in the 1920s. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 89(2), 683-684. Broussard, A. S. (1998). My life and an era: The autobiography of Buck Colbert Franklin. Western Historical Quarterly. 29(3), 409-410. Broussard, A. S. (1997). Black police in America - Dulaney,WM. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 83(4), 1492-1493. Broussard, A. S. (1996). Abiding courage: African American migrant women and the East Bay community - LemkeSantangelo,G. Pacific Historical Review. 65(4), 688-689. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1995). THE 2ND GOLD-RUSH - OAKLAND AND THE EAST BAY IN WORLD-WAR-II - JOHNSON,MS. American Historical Review. 100(3), 966-966. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1994). POLITICS IN BLACK-AND-WHITE - RACE AND POWER IN LOS-ANGELES - SONENSHEIN,RJ. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 81(2), 820-821. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1994). THE COLOR LINE - LEGACY FOR THE 21ST-CENTURY - FRANKLIN,JH. 60(3), 615-616. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1994). BRIGHT RADICAL STAR - BLACK-FREEDOM AND WHITE SUPREMACY ON THE HAWKEYE FRONTIER - DYKSTRA,RR. Civil War History. 40(1), 82-83. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1994). PARALLEL COMMUNITIES - AFRICAN-AMERICANS IN CALIFORNIA EAST-BAY, 1850-1963 - MCBROOME,DN. Western Historical Quarterly. 25(2), 222-223. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1992). THE PROMISED LAND - THE GREAT BLACK-MIGRATION AND HOW IT CHANGED AMERICA - LEHMANN,N. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 78(4), 1510-1511. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1989). INVISIBLE HOUSTON - THE BLACK-EXPERIENCE IN BOOM AND BUST - BULLARD,RD. Journal of Southern History. 55(1), 146-147. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1989). ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT - THE HISTORY OF SPOKANE BLACK-AMERICANS, 1860-1940 - FRANKLIN,J. Oregon historical quarterly. Oregon Historical Society. 90(4), 418-419. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1988). CONFRONTING THE COLOR LINE - THE BROKEN PROMISE OF THE CIVIL-RIGHTS MOVEMENT IN CHICAGO - ANDERSON,AB, PICKERING,GW. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY. 74(4), 1394-1394. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1988). STEWART,MCCANTS + OREGON - THE STRUGGLES OF BLACK ATTORNEY IN THE URBAN WEST. Oregon historical quarterly. Oregon Historical Society. 89(2), 157-&. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1987). BEARING THE CROSS - KING,MARTIN,LUTHER AND THE SOUTHERN-CHRISTIAN-LEADERSHIP-CONFERENCE - GARROW,DJ. 8(3), 224-227. BROUSSARD, A. S. (1986). S.T.R.A.N.G.E TERRITORY, F.A.M.I.L.I.A.R LEADERERSHIP - THE IMPACT OF WORLD-WAR-2 ON SAN-FRANCISCO BLACK-COMMUNITY. California History. 65(1), 18-&. Broussard, A. S. (1984). Oral Recollection and the Historical Reconstruction of Black San Francisco, 1915-1940. Oral History Review. 12(1), 63-80. book Appleby, J. O., Broussard, A. S., Brinkley, A., McPherson, J. M., & Ritchie, D. A. (2005). The American Vision, New York. McGraw-Hill/Glencoe. Ritchie, D. A., & Broussard, A. S. (1998). American History The Early Years to 1877. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Company. Broussard, A. S. (1998). African-American Odyssey The Stewarts, 1853-1963 Broussard, A. S. (1993). Black San Francisco The Struggle for Racial Equality in the West, 1900-1954 chapter Broussard, A. S. (2012). Race and Oral History. Ritchie, D. A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Oral History. Oxford University Press.
teaching activities AFST300 Blacks In Us 1607-1877 Instructor AFST301 Blacks In Us Since 1877 Instructor HIST105 History Of The U S Instructor HIST106 History Of The U S Instructor HIST106 History Of The U S Instructor HIST300 Blacks In Us 1607-1877 Instructor HIST301 Blacks In Us Since 1877 Instructor HIST481 Seminar In History Instructor HIST625 Res Race Ethn & Migratn Instructor HIST685 Directed Studies Instructor HIST691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Anderson, Hillary Rae (2018-04). 'I identify with fighters': The South and Southern Identity in Lesbian Feminist Activism in the 1970s. Gorman, John William (2019-05). The Crucible of Freedom: Reconstruction Violence in Texas, 1865-1868. James, Ervin (2012-10). Unity, Justice and Protection: The Colored Trainmen of America's Struggle to End Jim Crow in the American Railroad Industry [and Elsewhere]. Kosary, Rebecca A. (2007-09). To degrade and control: white violence and the maintenance of racial and gender boundaries in reconstruction Texas, 1865-1868. Motl, Kevin Conrad (2009-06). A time for reform: the woman suffrage campaign in rural Texas, 1914-1919.
education and training Ph.D. in History, Duke University - (Durham, North Carolina, United States) 1977 M.A. in History, Duke University - (Durham, North Carolina, United States) 1975 B.A. in History, Stanford University - (Stanford, California, United States) 1973
awards and honors Board Member of the Board of Directors, conferred by Humanities Texas - (Austin, Texas, United States), 2006 Langston Hughes Visiting Professor, conferred by University of Kansas - (Lawrence, Kansas, United States), 2005
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