selected publications academicarticle Yildiz, M. A., Botha, G., Yuan, H., Merzari, E., Kurwitz, R. C., & Hassan, Y. A. (2020). Direct Numerical Simulation of the Flow Through a Randomly Packed Pebble Bed. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 142(4), Martinec, J., Katovsky, K., & Kurwitz, C. (2016). Heat accumulation/removal options in case of LOCA type accident. Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie. 24(1-2), 21-27. OINUMA, R., BEST, F. R., & KURWITZ, R. C. (2009). Development and Application of Vortex Liquid / Gas Phase Separator for Reduced Gravity Environment. 26(3), 226. Barbu, A., Ellis, M., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. Acoustic gauge monitoring of fluid inventory in a microgravity vortex separator. Measurement Science and Technology. 17(2), 403-410. Bian, H., Kurwitz, C., Sun, Z., Cheng, K., & Chen, K. Enhanced nucleate boiling on 3D-printed micro-porous structured surface. Applied Thermal Engineering. 141, 422-434. Sarvadi, A., Bostanci, H., Kurwitz, C., & Belancik, G. Investigation of microgravity vortex phase separator for spacecraft liquid amine CO2 removal system. Acta Astronautica. 215, 698-707. Shephard, A. M., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. R. Microgravity Bubbly-to-Slug Flow Regime Transition Theory and Modeling. Microgravity Science and Technology. 25(3), 161-177. Valota, L., Kurwitz, C., Shephard, A., & Best, F. Microgravity flow regime data and analysis. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 33(11), 1172-1185. Ghrist, M., Ellis, M., Bean, D., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. Microgravity phase separation for the Rankine cycle. Nuclear Technology. 156(3), 282-288. Young, C., Best, F., & Kurwitz, C. Modeling of two-phase flow in manifolds under microgravity conditions. AIP Conference Proceedings. 458(1), 772-778. Hurlbert, K. M., Witte, L. C., Best, F. R., & Kurwitz, C. Scaling two-phase flows to Mars and Moon gravity conditions. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 30(4), 351-368. Marsden, K., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. Two-phase zero-gravity pressure-drop predictions from single-phase one-g data. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 19(4), 486-496. chapter Best, F., Caldwell, A., Hamm, T., Kurwitz, C., O'Kelly, S., & Stanchfield, S. Fuel test system for gallium-zirconium interaction at the Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center. Nuclear Materials Safety Management. (pp. 287-290). Springer Nature. conference paper Sarvadi, A., Bostanci, H., Belancik, G., Kurwitz, R., & Jan, D. (2022). Preliminary Tests with Microgravity Vortex Phase Separator for Liquid Amine CO2 Removal System Giron, B., Bostanci, H., Kurwitz, R., Belancik, G., & Jan, D. (2022). Preliminary Tests with Variable Conductance Radiator for CO2 Deposition in Deep Space Transit Williams, R., & Kurwitz, R. (2020). Multiphase Flow Intelligent Sensing Hurlbert, K. M., Kurwitz, R., Nguyen, H., Moeller, C., Duvall, D., & Williams, R. (2020). Flight Results For The Multiphase Flow Experiment For Suborbital Testing Payload Hurlbert, K. M., Nguyen, H., Duvall, D., Williams, R., & Kurwitz, R. (2019). Payload Testing on New Suborbital Vehicles Botha, G., Hassan, Y. A., Kurwitz, R. C., & Merzari, E. (2018). THE INFLUENCE OF PEBBLE PLACEMENT ON THE WAKE OF TANDEM PEBBLES IN A FREE STREAM. v009t16a061-v009t16a061. Kurwitz, R. C., Poston, J., Peddicord, K., Bostanci, H., & Yang, X. (2018). Systems Engineering Initiative - Undergraduate Education Enhancement in a Regional Education Network. Proceedings series International Atomic Energy Agency. Ugbor, U., Cilliers, A., & Kurwitz, R. (2016). Knowledge Innovation and Collaboration for Science, Technology Adoption, Resourcing and Transfer (KIC-START) Gao, P., Kurwitz, R., Zhang, Z., & Shao, L. (2016). Knowledge Transfer and Culture Exchange between HEU and TAMU through a Summer School on Nuclear Power Engineering Ellis, M., & Kurwitz, R. (2016). Development of a Pumped Two- Phase System for Spacecraft Thermal Control Kurwitz, R. (2016). Parabolic Testing of Fluid Management System for a Pumped Loop Variable Radiator Testing Kun, C., Kurwitz, R., Sichao, T., Haozhi, B., & Kailun, C. (2015). Experimental Study of Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer for Different Inconel Plates Tsvetkova, G., Peddicord, K. L., Hollar, T. D., Poston, J., Barretto, P., Segovia, V., ... Morris, L. (2014). The Nuclear Power Institute Programs for Human Resource Development for the Nuclear Industry Larsen, B., & Kurwitz, R. (2014). Improved Drift Flux Parameters for Microgravity Slug Flow Kurwitz, R. (2014). Results of Ground Based Variable Radiator Testing Poston, J. W., Kurwitz, R. C., Tsvetkova, G., & Peddicord, K. L. (2013). Educating the nuclear workforce of the future in Texas. 144. Kurwitz, C., Poston, J., & Peddicord, K. (2013). The systems engineering initiative - An innovative approach to experiential learning. 136-137. Hurlbert, K., Marak, R., Kurwitz, R., & Ellis, M. (2013). Progress on Multi-Phase Flow Experiment for Suborbital Testing Kurwitz, R. (2013). Demonstration of a Variable Radiator (DoVR) Shephard, A., Kurwitz, R., & Best, F. (2013). Bubbly-to-Slug Microgravity Flow Regime Transition: Theory and Modeling Peterson, J., & Kurwitz, R. (2012). MCNP modeling of photo-neutronic methods for gauging fluid levels in cryogenic hydrogen propellant tanks Kurwitz, R. (2012). A Unique Gravity Independent Boiler Kurwitz, R. (2012). Gas-Liquid Inventory Determination Using Compressed Measurements Williams, A. D., Kurwitz, R., & Schuller, M. (2012). Gulf Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Institute (GNEII) 2012 Fundamentals Course Week 5-Nuclear Technology Applications Deason, W. R., & Kurwitz, R. C. (2011). Finite difference analysis of a heat pipe cooled fuel pin. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 30-31. Schwendeman, C., Hay, R., & Kurwitz, R. (2010). Optimization of Various Thermal Management Techniques for High Thermal Loads Larsen, B., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. (2009). Statistical analysis of multiple fluids in microgravity two-phase slug flow via a drift flux model. 151-157. Schuller, M., Kurwitz, R., Goldman, J., Morris, K., & Trevino, L. (2009). Water Pump Development for the EVA PLSS Supak, K., Kurwitz, C., Oinuma, R., & Best, F. (2007). Reduced gravity Rankine cycle system simulation and design with passive vortex phase separation. 154-162. Chaqing, L., Ryoji, O., & Kurwitz, C. R. (2006). Heat transfer coefficient computational model for tube boiler with twisted-tape. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 808-809. Oinuma, R., Bean, D. C., Neill, C., Kurwitz, R. C., & Best, F. R. (2005). Two-phase flow issues in space nuclear reactor and nuclear propulsion systems. 213-222. Kurwitz, C., Marsden, K., Ellis, M., & Best, F. (2005). Vortex separator for use in microgravity nuclear power systems. 346-355. Kurwitz, R., Marsden, K., Ellis, M., & Best, F. (2005). Zero Gravity Proven Vortex Gas/Liquid Separator Accumulator Finodeyev, .., Algama, D., Waghela, P., Bean, D., Kurwitz, R., & Best, F. (2004). Gamma Densitometry Applications in Microgravity Two-Phase Flow Experiment McIntyre, P., Sattarov, A., Adams, M., Best, F., Kurwitz, C., & Wu, Z. (2003). Accelerator-driven thorium cycle power reactor: Design and performance calculations. 1881-1885. Adams, M., Best, F., Kurwitz, C., McInturff, A., McIntyre, P., Rogers, B., ... Meitzler, C. (2002). Accelerator-Driven Thorium Cycle: New Technology Makes It Feasible Bean, D., Kurwitz, R., Waghela, P., & Best, F. (2002). Vortex necking phenomena under microgravity Wong, T., Nguyen, B., Best, F., & Kurwitz, R. (2001). Helium Evolution from Ullage Venting of Propellant Tank in Space Kurwitz, R., & Best, F. (2001). Modeling and Testing of Two-Phase Flow in Manifolds Under Microgravity Conditions Kurwitz, R., & Best, F. (2000). Phase Separation By Passively Induced Centrifugal Forces Young, C., Best, F., & Kurwitz, R. (1999). Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Manifolds Under Microgravity Conditions Kurwitz, R., & Best, F. (1998). The Design of Micro-Fabricated Evaporators in Multichip Modules Best, F., Hamm, T., & Kurwitz, R. (1997). Design of a PbBi Cooled, Electrically Heated MOX Test Facility Chen, W., Fogg, D. W., Izenson, M., & Kurwitz, C. A Highly Stable Two-Phase Thermal Management System for Aircraft. SAE Technical Papers. Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. A statistical comparison of various fluids for a drift flux model in reduced gravity two-phase slug flow. AIP Conference Proceedings. 38-45. Nguen, B., Wong, T., Best, F., & Kurwitz, C. An assessment of helium evolution from helium-saturated propellant depressurization in space Klein, C., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. CHARACTERIZATION OF A DUAL CHAMBERED TWO PHASE SEPARATOR. 1893-+. Schuller, M., Kurwitz, C., Little, F., Oinuma, R., Larsen, B., Goldman, J., & Reinis, F. Custom Unit Pump Development for the Extravehicular Activity Portable Life Support System Schuller, M., Kurwitz, C., Williams, R., & Best, F. Demonstration of a Martian surface power system sodium boiler heat exchanger. AIP Conference Proceedings. 415-+. Hurlburt, K. M., Hollingsworth, K., Kurwitz, R., Rios, J., Kanoongo, S., & Khater, A. Z. Design and Testing of a Device for Moon Dust Deposition on Test Articles/Systems Sarvadi, A., Bostanci, H., Kurwitz, R., & Belancik, G. Design, Modeling, and Initial Characterization of a Subscale Variable Conductance Radiator for CO2 Deposition System in Deep Space Transit Quick, E. J., Kurwitz, C., Hurlbert, K. M., & Suess, L. E. Determination of Percent Area Coverage of Lunar Simulant on a Surface and Observations of Fairy Castle Structures Vargas, D., Kurwitz, R. C., Carron, I., & DePriest, K. R. Development of a Neutron Spectroscopic System Utilizing Compressed Sensing Measurements. EPJ Web of Conferences. 07002-07002. Ellis, M., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. Development of a unique, passive, microgravity vortex separator. Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. 763-770. Chen, K., Yan, C., Kurwitz, C., Cheng, K., & Bian, H. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF HELIX-FINNED SURFACE FOR NUCLEATE POOL BOILING. v005t15a003-v005t15a003. Gaul, L., Papas, Z., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. R. Equilibrium Interface Position During Operation of a Fixed Cylinder Vortex Separator. AIP Conference Proceedings. 3-+. Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. R. Experimental results of loop heat pipe startup in microgravity. AIP Conference Proceedings. 647-652. Oinuma, R., Nguyen, N., Dickes, N., Kurwitz, R. C., & Best, F. R. Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid-Driven Swirl Boiling Liquid/Gas Separator under Reduced Gravity. AIP Conference Proceedings. 14-21. Braisted, J., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. New Results in Two-Phase Pressure Drop Calculations at Reduced Gravity Conditions. AIP Conference Proceedings. Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. New results in gravity dependent two-phase flow regime mapping. AIP Conference Proceedings. 14-20. Wang, X., Kurwitz, R. C., & Zhang, Z. OPTIMIZATION OF FUEL STORAGE IN SPENT FUEL POOL. v009t16a006-v009t16a006. Byanjankar, C., Sarvadi, A., Bostanci, H., Kurwitz, R., & Belancik, G. Preliminary Investigation of Vortex Phase Separator-Based Spacecraft Cabin Air Dehumidification Subsystem for CO2 Removal Kurwitz, C., Oinuma, R., Best, F., & Ellis, M. Reduced Gravity Direct Contact Heat Exchanger for Cabin Air Dehumidification. 1-8. Creary, A., King, M. F., Langston, M., Kurwitz, C., Nelson, P., & Yilmaz, F. TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS OF THE TEMPERATURES IN AN ELECTRICAL AUXILIARY BUILDING ROOM. 579-586. Williams, R. B., Carron, I., Bray, D., Kurwitz, C., & Best, F. Zero-Gravity Test Results For Ultrasonic Sensing of Air-Liquid Interface in a Vortex Separator. AIP Conference Proceedings. report Ugbor, U., Cilliers, A., & Kurwitz, R. C. (2016). Knowledge Incubation and Collaboration for Science, Technology Adoption, Resourcing and Transfer (KIC-START). 213. Gao, P., Zhang, Z., Kurwitz, R. C., & Shao, L. (2016). Knowledge Transfer and Culture Exchange between HEU and TAMU through a Summer School on Nuclear Power Engineering. 218. Kurwitz, R., Pulley, M., LaFerney, N., & Munoz, C. (2015). COxSwAIN: Compressive Sensing for Advanced Imaging and Navigation thesis Kurwitz, R. C. (2011). PROBABILISTIC PREDICTION USING EMBEDDED RANDOM PROJECTIONS OF HIGH DIMENSIONAL DATA
teaching activities ENGR102 Engr Lab I Computation Instructor ENGR216 Ex Phys Engr Lab Ii Mechanics Instructor NUEN405 Nucl Engr Experiments Instructor NUEN418 Fuel Assm 3d Core Design Instructor NUEN433 Npp Systems-pwr Instructor NUEN434 Npp Systems-bwr Instructor NUEN460 Nuc Plant Sys And Tran Instructor NUEN485 Directed Studies Instructor NUEN491 Hnr-research Instructor NUEN491 Hnr-research Instructor NUEN606 Reactor Anlysis & Exprmt Instructor NUEN685 Directed Studies Instructor NUEN691 Research Instructor PHYS216 Ex Phys Engr Lab Ii Mechanics Instructor PHYS216 Ex Phys Engr Lab Ii Mechanics Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Botha, Gerrit (2019-03). Quantification of Turbulence Statistics for the Near-Wall Region in Unstructured Pebble Beds Using Direct Numerical Simulation.
education and training Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2009 M.S. in Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1997 B.S. in Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1993
mailing address Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Nuclear Engineering 3133 TAMUS College Station, TX 77843-3133 USA