selected publications academic article Lee, C. P., Elhassan, Y. M., & Kraemer, D. C. (1999). The effect of beta-mercaptoethanol and N-acetyl cysteine on development and hatching of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro. 51(1), 243-243. conference paper Elhassan, Y. M., Lee, C. P., Tasca, R. J., & Westhusin, M. E. (1999). The effect of NaCl-associated osmolarity changes on bovine embryo development in a completely defined culture medium supplemented with amino acids at oviductal fluid levels. Biology of Reproduction. 248-248. Lee, C. P., Elhassan, Y. M., & Westhusin, M. E. (1999). The effect of mercaptoethanol and N-acetyl cysteine on development of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro. Biology of Reproduction. 193-193.
teaching activities ARSC101 First Yr Seminar Instructor BIOL100 Horizons In Biology Instructor BIOL107 Zoology Instructor BIOL285 Directed Studies Instructor BIOL319 Integrated Hum An/phy I Instructor