HX003095/IIR 19-414 Understanding the effect of rurality and social risk factors on barriers to care and surgical outcomes Grant uri icon


  • The goal is to identify social risk factors, rurality and care fragmentation that affect surgical
    outcomes to inform data collection needs and VA resource allocation. We improve upon current practice
    by joining surgical outcomes data with 1) VA/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) claims
    data, 2) VA fee-basis files to identify encounters outside of the VA health system and 3) using more granular proxy social risk factors and neighborhood disadvantage. The South Texas Veterans Health Care System leads the project with subaward sites in Iowa City and Pittsburgh. The grant was transferred from Dr. Shireman to her site PI when she left the Veterans Healthcare System to join the Texas A&M School of Medicine. Dr. Shireman continues to work with the team as a consultant.

date/time interval

  • 2021 - 2025