selected publications academicarticle Miller, R. A., Delatte, N. J., Deshpande, A., Hartell, J. A., Twine, S., & Karunaratne, E. (2022). Evaluation of Maintenance Procedures for Bridge Spalling on Parapet Walls. Transportation Research Record. 2676(6), 468-475. Zeng, H., & Hartell, J. A. (2022). Identification of Acoustic Emission Signatures and Their Capability to Assess the Damage of Reinforced Concrete Beam under Incremental Cyclic Loading. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 34(6), 04022085. Hartell, J. A., & Zeng, H. (2020). Concrete Degradation due to Moisture and Low- and High-Temperature Cycling. ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL. 117(1), 129-138. Zeng, H., Hartell, J. A., & Soliman, M. (2020). Damage evaluation of prestressed beams under cyclic loading based on acoustic emission monitoring. Construction and Building Materials. 255, 119235-119235. Gulrez, W., & Hartell, J. A. (2019). Effect of Aggregate Type and Size on Surface Resistivity Testing. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 31(6), 04019055. Ley-Hernandez, A. M., Feys, D., & Hartell, J. A. (2019). Effect of dynamic segregation of self-consolidating concrete on homogeneity of long pre-cast beams. Materials and Structures. 52(1), 4. Contreras-Nieto, C., Shan, Y., Lewis, P., & Hartell, J. A. (2019). Bridge maintenance prioritization using analytic hierarchy process and fusion tables. Automation in Construction. 101, 99-110. Hartell, J. A., Boyd, A. J., & Ferraro, C. C. (2011). Sulfate Attack on Concrete: Effect of Partial Immersion. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 23(5), 572-579. conference paper Zeng, H., Hartell, J. A., & Emerson, R. (2018). Assessment of Bridge Repair with the Aid of Load Test and Acoustic Emission Monitoring. 1080-1089.
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